11 plants that bring happiness, positive energy and prosperity to your home
Feng Shui is an ancient art, of Chinese origin, that gives guidelines on the choice of furniture and its orientation, colors and decorations, etc. to guarantee […]
Feng Shui is an ancient art, of Chinese origin, that gives guidelines on the choice of furniture and its orientation, colors and decorations, etc. to guarantee […]
Having plants at home is sometimes a very difficult challenge, especially because you have to make sure you take care of those species that need […]
Before purchasing a houseplant, it is important to check if it has any allergenic potential and if it is not toxic to your children and […]
Did you know that after cooking rice, the water you strain and discard is full of valuable nutrients like starch, vitamins and minerals? Instead of […]
This sauce is perfect to season your meals and surprise your guests. The combination of eggplants, tomatoes and peppers creates a unique and delicious flavor. […]
Oregano is a culinary herb that we all know and love for its ability to enhance the flavor of our favorite dishes. But did you […]
One of the most common problems in the home is a clogged drain. Whether in the kitchen or bathroom, the accumulation of residue such as […]
Strawberries are arguably the most anticipated fruits of the spring season. Consumed fresh or as a dessert, but also in certain sugary drinks, these coveted […]
If your plants have a formidable enemy, it is mealybugs. Mealybugs, white or shelled, are parasites that attack the foliage and stems of your plants, […]