Category: Advices

How to make high-quality and economical neutral homemade detergent

Detergent is an essential cleaning item , which allows us to keep our home hygienic . It can be created at home, producing similar or better effects without spending a fortune. It is a great degreaser and just a few drops produce a lot of foam due to its combination of components that we will provide you here. To prepare this homemade detergent, you will need: Ingredients Procedure 1- Start by grating or cutting the glycerin soap into small pieces . 2- Place two tablespoons of sugar and the soap pieces in a frying pan and set the heat to medium. Little by little add half a liter of water without stopping stirring . 3- Keep stirring until all the sugar has dissolved , and let it sit for three hours or until the soap has melted . _ 4- After that time, stir again . […]


How to use salt to wash clothes

Salt to wash clothes? Technology advances and we also advance, however not all of us have the privilege of having the latest generation washing machines. Many of […]
