
All our diseases are written on the face!

By Lilia

It has long been known that according to the condition of some organs, for example the eyes or the tongue , specialists can understand what the problems of the patient’s internal organs are. 

Acupuncture , acupressure and point massage were created based on this method of determining the disease .

In Tibetan medicine, the relationship between the internal organs and certain parts of a person’s face is closely related, just as the relationship between the flowers and the roots of flowers (i.e., what can be seen)—the face and what remains hidden to the eyes – the internal organs.

Eyes – these are the “flower” of the liver and gall bladder;

The nose – the “flower” of the lungs and colon;

The lips and oral cavity – the “flower” of the pancreas and spleen;

Language is the “flower” of the heart and the small intestine;

Ears are the “flower” of the kidneys and bladder .

The eyes are the “flower” of the liver, so eye diseases primarily signal an imbalance of the body’s filtering system. 

In addition, Tibetan healers believe that swelling under the eyes indicates problems in the lungs, heart and kidneys. 

In particular, bags under the eyes in the morning are associated with impaired kidney function, swelling of the upper eyelids with problems in the lungs, and swelling of the upper and lower eyelids with problems in the emotional sphere.

For the eyes and related internal organs, high temperature is harmful (especially in a period of exacerbation of diseases), as well as excessive consumption of meat, alcohol, onions and garlic. But the cold is good.

In Tibetan medicine, the nose is considered the main door in the body and at the same time the “flower” of the lungs. 

That’s why it’s very important to get rid of runny nose and mucus problems in a timely manner. 

And vice versa: for example, inflammations of the nasal mucosa can indicate chronic lung diseases .

Dryness of the nasal mucosa can lead to impaired sense of smell. 

Bleeding from the nose can be associated with an excess of toxins in the body, “old” blood, as well as the consequences of malnutrition and frequent consumption of fatty and fried foods.

Nasal allergies and polyps appear with the abuse of cold food, as well as with a diet of raw vegetables and fresh dishes.

Here are some helpful tips from traditional Tibetan medicine. 

For the treatment and prevention of lung diseases, massage the left and right sides of the nose, and for the prevention of heart diseases, massage the tip of the nose.

In case of nasal congestion or inflammation of the mucous membrane, Tibetan doctors advise to rinse the nose with water to which you add salt (sodium chloride or sea water) and turmeric . 

The amount of salt is 1 teaspoon and turmeric is 1/3 teaspoon to a glass of water. Drip the mixture into the nostrils and wait for the liquid to enter the nasopharynx in the mouth, then spit it out.

In case of dryness and inflammation of the nasal mucosa , smearing with sesame oil helps a lot.

In case of frequent nosebleeds, it is recommended to consume more currants , gooseberries , peanuts, soy.

By the way, the Chinese believe that the nose indicates wealth and material well-being: the best option is when the nose is rather large, round, proportional.

The lips are the “flower” of the spleen , so cracks and pale lips indicate possible problems with this organ. 

In addition, the upper lip is additionally connected to the stomach.

It is very important to keep your lips soft without dry areas. And according to Tibetan understanding, moist lips attract wealth.

Language is the “flower” of the heart. 

It is recommended to periodically check the tongue itself to diagnose possible heart problems in the early stages.

The tongue of a healthy person has a color from dark pink to light red. It should be moist and mobile. 

The bright red color and dryness of the tongue are the first signals of an initial disease. People with chronic heart disease always have a bright red tongue. 

If you have problems with the digestive system, a yellow plaque appears on the tongue and a bitter taste in the mouth, as well as with diseases of the lymphatic and endocrine system, a gray plaque appears on the tongue and the taste receptors deteriorate (the taste changes or you do not feel all the flavors of food) .

Teeth – indicators of the state of the bone system. 

Caries, or, for example, an incorrect bite, protruding teeth are a signal lamp for bone problems in general.

Yellow teeth are a sign of disorders in the liver and gall bladder ; dark yellow teeth with a red tint are one of the indicators of hyperfunction of the adrenal glands; the brown color of the teeth indicates a strong weakening of immunity.

The ears are the “flower” of the kidneys (Tibetan healers believe that the bean-shaped shape of the ears and kidneys confirms this). 

The right ear is connected to the right kidney, the left ear to the left kidney.

The ears have the most points connected to the internal organs. 

Therefore, complex ear massage is one of the best ways to treat and prevent many diseases. 

But even without consulting a specialist, you can perform a simple massage program: at the same time, squeeze the right and left ear with your fingers so as to cover as much of the surface of the auricle as possible. 

First, pull the ears up, then down, and then rub the ears with your palms until they are red and numb.

Finally, all organs and all systems in the body are interconnected, so disease or even discomfort in one area shifts the balance and disrupts the equilibrium, contributing to the spread of disease. 

And unfortunately, because of this, treating the symptoms, and not the cause of the disease, leads to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. 

Be more attentive to yourself, listen to your body and do not be afraid to defend your right to health. 

After all, health is one thing, and taking care of it depends only on you.