
Golden flowers that heal the stomach, eyesight and liver

By Lilia

Golden flowers that heal the stomach, eyesight and liver! They grow on every bed in the cities.

On urban flower beds and on balconies from June, pleased with their sunny bright petals and  unpretentious asters (Latin Tagetes erecta).

The homeland of these flowers is sunny Mexico, and the Spanish conquistadors brought them to Europe after the discovery of America by Columbus.

They came to us around the 18th century and were then called “African flowers”.

The British call them “Virgin Mary’s gold”. 

This name comes from the Christian tradition of surrounding the image of the Virgin Mary

with colors that symbolize gold coins.

According to legend, during the flight of Joseph and Mary to Egypt, the Holy Family began to be chased by a herd of thieves. 

When they caught up with  the fugitives, instead of money they took their purses, from which the flowers were falling.

A legend is a legend, but in terms of a set of useful properties, modest flowers can really be called golden. 

Few people know that  these flowers are the most valuable medicine, they protect garden plants from pests, they are widely used in cooking and cosmetology.

In folk medicine, the aqueous infusion of tur flowers has long been used as a diuretic, diaphoretic and antiparasitic agent. 

The tea is drunk to treat diarrhea and stomach upset.

Mexican Indians used tinctures of tarts to increase lactation in nursing mothers, relieve rheumatic pains. 

And in

In India, eczema was treated with the juice of the fresh leaves of the plant.

Modern science confirms the healing properties of turt. 

It has been found to help heal the liver and kidneys and relieve pain in  inflammatory processes. Turta decoctions improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.

In the early stages of diabetes, they are able to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, which has a positive effect on the pancreas. 

The flowers of this plant  contain carotenoids, which reduce the risk of cataracts.

By the way, they can be added to compotes and sauerkraut, which get not only a special aroma from it, but also medicinal properties that increase the body’s resistance to colds and flu.

The use of tur in traditional medicine:

1. To improve eyesight

Put in a pot one teaspoon of green tea, 2 teaspoons of black tea, 3 tart flowers, 2 nettle leaves, 1 young artichoke leaf and 2

sprig of mint and pour 0.5 l of water.

Bring to a boil, set aside and cover with a towel for 30 minutes. 

Drink the tea throughout the day, diluting it with a glass of water. Rinse your eyes with a cotton pad in the morning.

Turta flowers improve vision because they contain the carotenoid lutein, which determines the quality and clarity of vision. 

To restore visual acuity, herbalists recommend taking 3 fresh flowers a day for 1 month. For children, the dose

is reduced to 1 flower.

2. To improve the liver

Put 5 flowers in a liter of boiling water and let it simmer for 3 minutes. Drink 250 ml during meals in the morning and evening. 

The course of treatment – 1 month, after which you should take a one-week break and repeat the therapy.

3. For parasites

Turmeric infusion helps fight parasites. 

Take a tablespoon of the fresh flowers of the plant and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them.

Then keep the infusion covered until it cools down completely. 

Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before  meals. Duration of treatment – 2 weeks.

4. In diabetes and pancreatic diseases

Flowers from the tour (50 pieces) are poured with vodka (500 ml) and stored for a week in a dark place. 

Take one teaspoon  three times a day with meals.

In diseases of the pancreas, taking tinctures from the tour will help improve the condition of the organ, reduce inflammation and swelling, and also  normalize the production of enzymes.

5. For colds and sinusitis

Inhaling will make breathing easier. Put in the teapot to brew 5 flowers, pour boiling water so that the water reaches  the bottom of the spout. 

Cover the kettle and set aside for 5 minutes. Inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose, keeping your head under the towel. 

When you start breathing freely through your nose, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

6. In neuroses

Baths with turti decoction calm the nervous system, help with stressful situations, relieve anxiety and restore mental balance. 

Recommended for neuroses, depression, uncertainty and confusion. Pour an infusion of a dozen flowers into the bath.

As we have already written, cakes are used in the kitchen. 

For example, Georgian cuisine is simply unthinkable without Imereti saffron, which is nothing more than a dried inflorescence from the cake.