
Look how shiny my oven is: I clean it like this and without any effort!

By Lesia

Among the most used and most important appliances in a home, we undoubtedly find the  oven  . In many cases, this is essential for preparing dishes of all kinds, perhaps avoiding frying or cooking in large quantities. But what is worse than a  crispy oven  ? Little or nothing. That’s why we decided to give you some tips to  clean the oven  and get a unique result!

How to clean a caked-on oven AdobeStock 252486831

Built-in oven: here is the solution

Perhaps among the appliances, or at least the objects present in the kitchen, the oven is one of the most difficult to clean. Fortunately, this is a cleaning that is not necessary every day, as perhaps happens with  dishes  . It goes without saying that when we find ourselves cleaning the oven, it is better to try to do a very deep cleaning. If we have cooked something specific, which has perhaps “dripped” over the surfaces of the oven or splashed on the side surfaces, then we are faced with a  caked-on oven  . In this case, here are the  remedies  we can resort to! These are homemade, inexpensive and super effective methods. By the way, it goes without saying that there are several  specific products on the market  for oven surfaces. We are talking about products that can be purchased at any home goods store or supermarket.

Clean the oven with baking soda.

The first method involves using  baking soda  . This is a product that is particularly known for its many peculiarities. In this case, it will be necessary to first dissolve it in a container with water: we can think of  a tablespoon  for every liter or liter and a half of water. We put a sponge inside the container and begin to wash the surfaces of the oven. By doing so, we will sterilize and dissolve the various encrustations. The oven will be very clean! Alternatively, you can think of using  fine salt  .

Cleaning with vinegar and water.

The other method, also particularly effective and very easy to put into practice, is the one based on the combined use of  water and vinegar.  In this case, we must take a pot full of water, let it boil on the stove and then add a glass of white vinegar. At this point, we heat the oven to  180° C  and leave the mould inside for an hour. By doing so, the vinegar will evaporate and attack the walls of the oven, degreasing them. At the end of the procedure, we clean everything with a sponge.