
Learn How to Revive Your Orchids with These 5 Tips

By Lilias

Welcome Tips Learn How to Revive Your Orchids with These 5 TipsCredit: santeplusmag

The orchid is the star of flowers. Both mysterious and colorful, it sits like a Queen in your interior. Delicate, this green plant needs specific care to flourish and re-flower from one year to the next. Our advice to encourage the re-flowering of an orchid.


You do not need to repot your orchids every year. Do this only when you see that the roots of your plants are growing well outside the pot. This happens about every two or three years. Never repot during the flowering period and in summer.


Orchids are satisfied with limited mineral elements. You can use special orchid fertilizer, but a classic organic fertilizer will do the job very well. Be careful not to overdose, however: it will have to be diluted widely.

  • When the plant produces new leaves, add nitrogen fertilizer to stimulate growth (15.10.15 for example)
  • When the plant is about to produce a new flower stalk, encourage it by giving it a fertilizer rich in potassium (8.12.24 or 6.12.18).
  • If you are unsure whether your orchid is in the growth phase or preparing to bloom, alternate between feeding the two types of fertilizer.


The place where you place your orchid flower is crucial for its flowering and growth. Orchids are very delicate and they do not like drafts. That is why you should place them in a place where there is no wind. In addition, orchid flowers should be placed in a slightly shaded area, as too much sun could hinder their growth.


The best way to water an orchid is to soak it in water. Most orchids come in a clear growing pot with drainage holes, which is placed in a decorative planter without holes. Every seven to 10 days, remove the plant and its pot from the planter and let them soak for 10 to 30 minutes in a bowl of lukewarm water. Soak the entire root ball! Then, drain the plant well and replace the pot in its planter—it’s that easy! After a few minutes, make sure there is no residual water in the planter.

We sometimes see the recommendation to water with ice cubes. A habit to avoid, since it only stresses the plant.


It is important to clean the leaves of your orchids from time to time because they are often covered in dust or stained by the limescale from the water you use to mist them. To do this, simply use a damp cloth. Be careful not to use polishes for green plants because they do more harm than good.