
Aspirin has useful properties that few people know about. What exactly helps, and how to use

By Lilias

Everyone is familiar with such drugs as Aspirin. Another medical name for this drug is acetylsalicylic acid. However, not everyone knows that aspirin can be used not only as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. We offer several effective tips for using aspirin at home.

  1. In the fight against acne.

Crush 1 aspirin tablet, add lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Apply to the affected area of ​​skin for 2-3 minutes and rinse with water. This method will help relieve swelling and inflammation.

  1. In the fight against insect bites.

Dissolve 1 aspirin tablet in 1 tbsp. l. water Carefully apply to the damaged area of ​​the body until completely dry. This method will help relieve itching and inflammation at the site of bites.

  1. In the fight against corns.

Crush 3-4 aspirin tablets and mix with 0.5 tbsp. l. lemon juice Apply thoroughly to rough skin and calluses and wrap in a warm cloth for 10 minutes. Clean the damaged areas with a foot brush.

  1. For hair health.

Dilute 2 aspirin tablets in water at room temperature. Carefully apply to the hair with massaging movements for 15 minutes and wash off with water. Hair has acquired a bright color and strength.

  1. In the fight against dandruff.

Take 2 aspirin tablets and mix with shampoo. Wash your hair with this mixture. This method will help get rid of seborrhea and fungal infections on the scalp.

  1. For cleansing the skin of the face and décolletage.

Take 3-4 tablets and dilute with water to obtain a homogeneous thick mass. Apply to face and neck skin. It is recommended to use for oily skin type.

  1. In the fight against oily facial skin.

Take 7 aspirin tablets, 3 tbsp. l. yogurt without additives and 1 tbsp. l. honey Mix and apply to the skin of the face. This method will help to get rid of greasy shine and heal problem areas of the skin.

  1. To preserve the freshness of flowers.

Dissolve 0.5 aspirin tablets in water and put the gifted flowers in it. This will help increase their attractive appearance for a longer period of time.

  1. In the fight against sweat marks on clothes.

Dilute 1 tablet in water at room temperature to obtain a thick mass. Apply thoroughly to the stain and leave overnight. Then rinse with water and wash with detergent.

  1. In the fight against soap stains in the bathroom.

Take 5 aspirin tablets and dissolve them in water. Apply to contaminated areas in the bathroom for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water and wipe with a cloth.