
Do You Have Fatty Liver? Here Are Some Natural Foods For Its Treatment

By Lilias

A person may suffer from fatty liver due to the accumulation of triglycerides and fatty acids in the liver cells. This causes the liver to function less than optimally and we are clearly facing a health problem.

We must cleanse the organ with these natural foods for the treatment of fatty liver. A healthy diet and changing some eating habits will be the only thing you need to do. Let us not forget that the liver is a vital organ that performs many functions necessary for our body.

The liver neutralizes toxins and facilitates their elimination, produces the bile necessary to digest the fat we consume, helping the digestive system, and is what converts food into nutrients that our body can use.

Symptoms of severe fatty liver

-You will feel pain and inflammation in the upper right part of the abdomen
-A lot of tiredness, weakness and heaviness
-Nausea and lack of appetite

Foods for fatty liver

Today we present you these 5 basic and easy-to-find foods, which if you add them to your diet on a regular basis will not only keep your liver functioning in good condition, but also provide many essential nutrients.

-Swiss chard:

Chard is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium and fibre. This makes it ideal for detoxifying and improving the liver, rejuvenating it and significantly reducing the problem of fatty liver.


With artichokes you can regenerate the liver because they are a bioflavonoid that contains cynarin. On the other hand, artichokes are super healthy and provide many benefits to our quality of life.


As always, ginger is one of our favorite foods because it helps relieve, prevent and heal many ailments in our body.
In this case, a ginger infusion every morning acts as an antioxidant and significantly reduces triglyceride levels in the blood.

-Radishes and beets:

They reduce inflammation, detoxify and decongest the organ. Radishes should be consumed raw in salads or grated with a glass of water and drunk on an empty stomach. Beets are boiled and added cold to salads.
If you want more information, you can visit the article Radish juice for fatty liver.

-Pink grapefruit:

Also called grapefruit, like other citrus fruits, it contains agents that eliminate body fat while helping the metabolism process.

What we should avoid eating

Fatty liver can be caused by two bad habits in our society: alcoholic fatty liver or non-alcoholic fatty liver (which is usually caused by obesity).

If your fatty liver problem is related to alcohol consumption, then you will simply have to stop drinking to start feeling better, which will require a lot of willpower in many cases.

With a healthy diet we will also lose weight, which improves many health problems and improves the condition of non-alcoholic fatty liver. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water will be essential, and we always recommend practicing physical activity at least half an hour a day. With natural foods for the treatment of fatty liver you will feel better quickly.