
How to prepare anti-wrinkle cream with botox effect for the face based on honey, vaseline and eggs

By Lesia

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The aging process is inevitable and causes many skin changes, because the appearance of wrinkles and the skin loses its elasticity and loosens. These changes are particularly difficult for women. Lifestyle changes, stress, pollution and bad nutrition can accelerate the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles.

La crème pour le visage maison contre les wrinkles attend des effets fantastiques après seulement 7 jours

There are different creams available on the market that should slow down the aging process and reduce wrinkles. Unfortunately, la plupart d’entre eux ne sont pas efficaces, alors vous dévies également essayer certains rèmedes naturels.

This crème maison is very effective and easy to prepare. It will improve your complexion and hydrate your skin. It also slows down the aging process and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. You can read the recipe below:


1 soup spoon of olive oil or almond oil
1 egg yolk
1 spoonful of honey
2 teaspoons of vaseline

After heating the vaseline in the microwave for approximately 20 seconds, add egg yolk, olive oil and honey. Bien mélanger jusqu’à obtenir un mélange homogène. Pour the cream into a small container. Apply it on the face with a soft massage. Après une demi-heure, remove the crème with a clean chiffon previously soaked in water. Use the cream regularly if you want positive results.


Comme il faut plus d’une heure pour que la crème soit soit absorbed dans la peau du visage, vous devez l’appliquer au moins deux heures avant d’aller vous coucher. Gardez la crème au refrigerator. Vous pouvez l’utiliser deux fois par jour because there are no secondary negative effects.