
This is what happens to your body if you eat garlic and honey on an empty stomach for 7 days

By liliaturcin5

Garlic is a magical plant. In fact, it is certainly the best natural antibiotic. By eating garlic every day, you benefit from its countless benefits.

The beneficial effects of garlic have been  touted for decades: antimicrobial, antioxidant,  good  for the immune system, for blood pressure and for cholesterol, it is  undoubtedly a superfood for health.

Garlic and honey are known for their essential benefits, so together they form an excellent natural remedy.

For centuries, garlic and honey have been known for their culinary uses as well as their medicinal uses. Already used in ancient Egypt to treat infections, garlic is also appreciated in India in Ayurveda to treat rheumatism and prevent heart disease.


To prepare your remedy based on garlic and honey, nothing could be simpler, all you need is:

  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Chop or crush your garlic cloves in a container, then add honey. You will need to consume this remedy on an empty stomach every morning for 7 days to hope to obtain the results desired or described above.


Consumption of garlic is not recommended for people suffering from porphyria, a blood disease which makes one photosensitive, as well as for people who have undergone surgery, particularly because of its anticoagulant effect!

It is also best for pregnant women not to consume garlic so as not to alter the taste of breast milk.