
Plain sponge cake recipe

By liliaturcin5

Ingredients :

  • 4 eggs
    – 125 g of sugar
    – 125 g of flour
    – 20 g of melted butter

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the oven to 160°c (th.5/6). Butter and flour a 22cm baking tin. Prepare a water bath. To melt the butter.
  2. In a bowl, break the eggs, then add the sugar and whisk over the bain-marie until the mixture is hot and frothy (the volume should at least double)
  3. Then remove yourself from the bain-marie and continue whisking (either by hand or with an electric mixer) until completely cooled (the mixture should still gain volume). Finally, mixing gently, pour in the flour and finish with the butter. Be careful not to compact the mixture.
  4. Pour into the mold, then put in the oven at 160°C until browned. To check the cooking, gently tap the top of the sponge cake, it should be springy.
  5. Unmold onto a rack with a cloth.
    to be enjoyed warm or cold, accompanied by custard, garnished or not with jam, chocolate mousse or pastry cream or anything else according to your taste