
Don’t throw away banana peels, here are 7 essential uses

By liliaturcin5

We suspect that what interests you most is not the composition of the banana peel but rather the use you can make of it. So we have created just for you a top 7 of the best tips to do with a banana peel. 1 – TO POLISH SILVERWARE To make the oxidized silverware on your timpani, pieces or cutlery shine, mix a banana peel with water and rub them with this mixture. You can also use the inside of a banana peel directly on your silverware, then polish with a microfiber cloth. 2 – WAIT THE MEAT Add a ripe banana peel to a casserole dish to prevent pieces of boneless or skinless meat from toughening or drying out during cooking. 3 – AS ANIMAL FOOD Banana peels can be fed to farm animals: chickens, pigs, rabbits, etc. You can also recycle banana peels and dry them before giving them. 4 – TREATMENT OF BUTTONS Rub a ripe banana peel on your pimples and leave the residue on the skin for as long as possible. Wash your face before going to sleep. Repeat this operation for a few days and the pimples will disappear. 5 – PREVENT APHIDS Aphids can cause a lot of damage in gardens, and once they are there, it is very difficult to dislodge them. If you bury banana peels in different places in the garden, aphids will no longer come. 6 – ENRICHES THE COMPOST Banana peels break down fairly quickly and add important nutrients to your soil. Throw them in your compost without hesitation. 7 – TO MAKE THE SHOES SHINE Did you know that the inside of the banana peel makes a great shoe polish? Simply rub it on your shoes, then buff with a soft cloth.