
DAMS strengthen bones and nerves, they are rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron

By Lilia

Dates are a very nutritious and energetic food during fasting. 

However, it is advisable to give them a more important place in our diet, due to the many benefits they have on the body.

Dates are a nutrient-dense fruit that can help remineralize and strengthen the body.

They contain many mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, potassium), antioxidants (lutein, zeaxanthin), fiber and vitamins: A, D, B1, B2 

Dr. Marc Bosque writes in one of his books that these fruits are among the best sources of calcium and phosphorus, with amounts close to those found in our body. 

He considers phosphorus to be a nutrient that can help correct all deficiencies.

At the same time, dates have a very high content of magnesium, a mineral necessary for hundreds of biological processes.

Professor Ovidiu Bojor, who died recently at the age of 98, recommended dates in the diet of growing children and in the diet of anemic and convalescent and pregnant women. 

They are also useful after infectious diseases and in physical and mental asthenia, helping the eyes, muscles and general vitality.

They have nerve and muscle toning properties, chest and softening action, supporting expectoration.

Otherwise, the list of recommendations regarding the consumption of dates is very long:

– supports the deposition of calcium in the bones

– regenerates nerve cells

– fights fatigue and anemia

– improves the flow of oxygen to the brain

– tones muscle and nervous energy

– improves digestion

– detoxifies the body

– reduces appetite

– accelerates metabolism

– strengthens the heart

– reduces and regulates blood pressure

– helps in the treatment of heart diseases

– helps regulate cholesterol levels

– prevents stroke by 40%

– keeps the body young

– supports the proper functioning of the brain

– helps with prostate and kidney diseases

– helps treat acne during puberty

– prevents brain degeneration with age

– fights cancer

– improves vision and prevents age-related eye diseases

– relieves labor pains and facilitates childbirth

– prevents postpartum depression

Dr Bosquet argues that the extremely low incidence of cancer in indigenous peoples may also be due to the high consumption of dates. 

The magnesium they contain has anti-cancer properties.

Dates can be served as they are, as a dessert after a meal, or they can be used in various recipes as a substitute for refined white sugar. 

Dates are allowed to soak in a little water, then blended in a blender and the resulting paste is used as a sweetener.

Some peoples use dates to treat an upset stomach in two ways:

1. Take dates that are pitted. 

They are cut into smaller pieces, and then put in yogurt.

At the moment, much better quality yogurt is available in Europe and beyond than in Bulgaria.

In this way, you can prepare fruit yogurt.

You know that yogurt itself is very useful for the stomach and intestines. 

When dates are added to the healthy yogurt, they support the work of the stomach, the good secretion of gastric juice, the good condition of the bile and the liver.

You can eat such yogurt with dates in the morning on an empty stomach. 

It can replace your breakfast. 

You can eat it around 10 am and 3 pm instead of another type of food.

2. Date tea

There is nothing strange about making date tea.

Wash 7-8 dates and put them in 1 liter of boiling water. 

You let them boil for a few minutes. Remove from heat and let them soak for at least another 1/2 hour.

Drink 3-4 sips of the decoction on an empty stomach. 

This decoction is useful for the lining of the stomach, against colic and bloating.

It cleanses the stomach of harmful microorganisms and has a good effect on appetite.

It is recorded in the literature that if a person has no appetite, with this potion he will recover.

If a person has a very large appetite, it will be reduced.

Cooked dates are puffy and look like our dried prunes cooked in oshav.

Eat them whenever you want.