
Maceration of onions in wine is extremely effective in clearing clogged arteries from the very first use

By Lilia

Maceration of onions in wine is extremely effective in clearing clogged arteries and veins from the very first use – Learn how to prepare

It is extremely important to cleanse the arteries and vessels, especially after a certain age. 

Among the main causes of aging are lifestyle and unbalanced nutrition. 

Human age depends on the health of the arteries.

Fatty foods and refined white sugar can contribute to clogging and blockage of artery walls.

In this way, blood circulation will be restricted, leading to an increase in blood pressure. 

Below is a recipe that naturally restores blood pressure, cleans the vascular system and removes atherosclerosis.

Macerated onions in white wine:


150 ml of honey 

1 liter of natural white wine

4-5 red onions

250 g of parsley root

2 bunches parsley leaves

Method of preparation:

Once peeled, the red onion is finely chopped and added to a glass container, pouring in the white wine. 

Separately, the parsley root is boiled in a glass of water after it has been washed, cleaned and chopped, adding the chopped parsley leaves. 

Leave to boil until the liquid has reduced by 30-50%.

After the mixture has cooled, the onion maceration in white wine is mixed with the strained liquid, adding 150 ml of honey. 

Seal in an airtight container and let stand for 7 days. 

It is periodically stirred, and after a week the preparation is filtered.

Application method:

Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. spoon maceration 30 minutes before meals. 

It is consumed until the entire amount is used up.

Alkalizing food:

You need to alkalize your food with fruits, vegetables to clean the arteries and veins. 

It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, fresh juices, herbal teas, vegetable broths, spring water. 

As a result, the deposits on the vessels will be separated, the blood will be diluted and the walls of the vessels will become more elastic.

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