
Live enzymes that are very easy to obtain at home and cure many diseases

By Lilia

Many people think that eating healthy every day is expensive. 

But this is not the case at all. 

The healthiest food on earth costs much less than most foods.

Sprouts are living enzymes ready to do wonders for your body. 

They can treat many diseases and rejuvenate the body, get rid of excess weight and improve the general condition of the body.

The power and benefits of sprouted grains have been known since ancient times. 

Sprouted grains have been eaten constantly and for a long period of time by selected people – emperors, magicians, ancient sages, heroes, yogis, centenarians and even astronauts!

Sprouted grains of wheat, flax, barley, alfalfa, mustard, pumpkin, sunflower, amaranth; mustard, chickpeas and mung beans have maximum bioenergy. 

They give activity to the body in the highest phase. Such food is also called “living food” or “elixir of youth”.


Much important knowledge has survived to this day, and its benefits have been confirmed by modern medical research. 

This also applies to the consumption of sprouted grains: our distant ancestors intuitively understood their importance, and today we know for sure that this is one of the most useful types of food.

From the portal “search-2.blogspot.com” We decided to tell you about the useful properties of this ancient remedy. Here it is – the secret recipe for longevity!

Vitamin boom

Sprouted seeds contain a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and all essential amino acids. 

In addition, all this wealth is in a natural form, convenient for our organism, unlike pharmaceutical preparations.

Grain sprouts

They help to maintain and prolong youth due to the high content of antioxidants. 

They not only make a person look young, but also help all the organs in the body to function properly.

Stable immunity

Biologically active substances contained in cereal sprouts improve the work of the immune system.

Eating sprouted grains is known to help avoid the formation of cancer cells.

Nervous system

This diet helps to regulate the emotional background. 

Depressive and anxious conditions are alleviated, mood is normalized, resistance to stress is increased.

Intimate health

In men, potency is improved, and in women, the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance are normalized. 

Diseases such as mastopathy disappear.

Strong vessels

Eating live food in the diet normalizes blood pressure, reduces weather dependence, eliminates vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Excellent eyesight

Even with severe myopia, the substances contained in sprouts help to significantly improve vision and even give up glasses!


The eternally young Liz Taylor and the charming Jane Fonda have dedicated a significant place in their diet to the fragile and tender greens.

Top models followed their example, because in their work a good complexion, snow-white teeth, elastic skin, shiny well-groomed hair are not luxuries, but necessary professional qualities.

Losing weight

Try sprouted grains for breakfast. 

They will saturate the body with all the necessary substances, give a surge of energy and during the day you will feel less hungry.

Cheer and strength

When a person eats well, he feels great. 

Anyone who regularly consumes sprouted seeds notices a surge of strength. No wonder it is one of the most sporty products!

Sprout seed diet is cheap. One kilogram of dry seeds yields 2 kg of “ready” food (as a result of soaking them in water). 

When we buy oranges or bananas, we throw almost half of their weight in the form of peels and pits into the trash can. 

In addition, one must take into account the fact that 300 g of seeds is a satisfying breakfast, and 300 g of, for example, bananas is a “ridiculous dose”.

It is better to use sprouted seeds without heat treatment, add them to a salad or just eat them raw. 

And you can add sprouted grains to bread, oatmeal, and salads, and more. 

The main thing is that they should be present in the diet every day, and then health and mood will always be at their peak!

Today, due to horribly unwise eating habits, the average life expectancy of the average person is 70 years, so the very idea that you can live long and at the same time not suffer seems fantastic. 

But it all depends on your mood and lifestyle, mental beliefs, eating habits.

And I decided to use these tips for myself and start including this super healthy product in my diet. 

If for you, as for me, this information is important and valuable, please share it with your friends. May the people around us be healthy and happy!