
Salt compresses to treat pain and inflammation

By Lilia

Salt compresses to eliminate inflammation and pain have been used for a long time. 

The concentration of salt in the solution should be in the range of 7.5-10%.

Use 1 liter of boiled or distilled water.

Soak gauze folded 7-8 times or a soft cloth in the solution, squeeze it and place it on the skin that you have previously washed and dried.

The compress should completely cover the affected area.

To prevent air circulation, cover only the edges of the gauze with tape.

Leave on for 8-12 hours.

Rinse the area with warm water and pat dry.

The duration of treatment with saline compresses depends on the severity of the disease.


Leave the compress on for 2-3 hours.

Painful bones and joints

In case of arthritis, arthrosis, gout and rheumatism, the diseased joint should be bandaged with a wide bandage soaked in the physiological solution.

Fix with a patch and leave for 8 hours.

Repeat for 15 days.

You can also use these compresses to treat osteoporosis and osteochondrosis. They eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs

In this case, compresses are placed on the abdomen for 9-10 hours.

Bandages relieve inflammation, pain and nausea. The duration of treatment should be about 5 days.

In case of pancreatitis, diseased kidneys and spleen

Compresses are applied to the diseased organ, folded in half, and left to act for at least 6 hours.

The duration of treatment is 1 week.

Hemorrhoids, polyps, prostate adenoma, inflammation of the bladder and colitis

Soak a cloth in a 7-8% solution, squeeze it slightly and apply it to the area folded in 2 layers. 

You can tie this compress and leave it on overnight.

Do the bandages for two weeks to eliminate inflammation and other pathological processes.

Thyroid disease

For goiter, a bandage soaked in 10% physiological solution is placed on the neck.

The compress is left to act for at least 8 hours.

Treatment should last three weeks.

Cold and flu

These saline compresses are very effective for sore throat, cough, bronchitis, laryngitis and rhinitis.

Soak the gauze, folded into 8 layers, in a saline solution and place it on the neck and forehead before going to bed.

Usually, the disease and all its symptoms disappear within 4 days.

In the initial phase of flu, a bandage with a saline solution should be applied to the back, head and throat. Leave it on until the morning.

In case of pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis, bandages soaked in 7.5-9% physiological solution are placed on the back and chest.

To do this, moisten two cotton towels, fold them in half and place them on the sore spot.

Place a thin towel on top and tie the bandage over the armpits. Leave for 5 hours. Treatment should last at least 5 days.

Bruises and wounds

A 10% solution effectively removes the infection from the affected tissue and reduces inflammation. Damaged skin regenerates quickly.

Apply the dressing to the wound for 9-10 hours for 4-5 days.

Bandages soaked in sodium chloride solution also treat bruises, hematomas and burns.

They help relieve inflammation, swelling and pain. Only natural tissue is used for this procedure.

The effect of the saline compresses will appear literally after 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Physiological dressings are excellent for removing various skin and inflammatory rashes.

They are successfully used in atopic dermatitis.

Treatment with salt bandages relieves itching, inflammation, swelling and pain, normalizes biochemical processes at the cellular level, helps to clean the skin of the dead layer and disinfect it.

It is recommended to add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to the solution.


Salt packs help treat migraines and headaches associated with mental fatigue.

To do this, take a thin cotton cloth, fold it, dip it in a 10% salt solution, squeeze it slightly and place it on the forehead.

Varicose veins

Saline dressings relieve swelling, inflammation and even pain in the feet. 

Salt procedures help to improve blood circulation in the lower limbs, tone blood vessels and prevent their further expansion.

No more than 100-120 g of salt per liter of liquid is needed. Dampen the tissue in the solution and apply to the veins.

Leave for 10 hours.

Back pain

Low back pain can have many causes. They are most often found in osteochondrosis or disc herniation.

Back pain, however, is often caused by some diseases of the internal organs: kidneys, intestines, stomach. Saline bandages help to eliminate the inflammatory process.

The physiological solution is prepared in hot water (at least 50 degrees). Moisten a cotton cloth and squeeze it gently. Place it on your lower back overnight.

Treatment should last 1 month.

In case of kidney diseases, salt bandages are recommended for no more than 15 days. 

In case of gastritis, in addition to the waist, a bandage is also applied to the abdomen.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Saline dressings are excellent for relieving inflammation and pain in the lymph nodes.

The procedures are done for 2 weeks. The compress is applied to the affected area and fixed with a bandage.


Note that hypertonic saline can cause salt imbalance in the body when the salt dose is increased.

Physiological solution should not be used even with the slightest side effects or individual hypersensitivity of the body.

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