
3 tricks to eliminate anthills from your garden forever

By Lesia

Surely, among the pests that appear in homes and especially in gardens, there is no doubt that ants are.  We well know that there are some species of these ants, such as the black one, the red one, and there are those that have wings. 

However, the issue does not stop there, this invasion becomes a real problem when these insects have created huge colonies or anthills. The question is:  How to eliminate anthills forever.

According to the “National Wildlife Federation” they report on ants and their work:

“They are extremely important members of ecosystems, they help aerate the soil just like earthworms…”

We all agree that this is the case, however, the problem arises when this invasion of ants colonizes houses and mixes with other animals, such as red ants that have stingers and really do harm.

Let’s learn how to put an end to this unpleasant pest with homemade and very effective tricks or methods:

3 Tricks to eliminate anthills from your garden forever

First of all, you have to locate the anthill and to do this, we will start with the solitary ant. To get their attention we will put a bait, such as a small plate with sugar and a little food.

In this way, a path will be made between the nest and the food, while this happens the anthill can be located.

Home remedies or tricks to control this pest

1. How to eliminate ants with white vinegar:

  • Simply dissolve 1/2 cup of white vinegar in 1 cup of water.
  • Then, mix it and soak a cloth or cloth in this homemade solution and clean the surfaces where the ants pass.

In this way, the activity or path of the ants is interrupted, because the trails that they are following are erased.

2. Water to eliminate an ant infestation:

  • With this method we can make pits or place containers around the anthill or plants, with this we can generate a sticky barrier.
  • Just fill it with soapy water or pieces of lemon or orange peel. This will serve as a barrier and as a repellent to prevent them from passing through.

 3. Rice is a great ally to put an end to ants:

For this trick we will need a blender:

  • To start, we add 1 cup of white or brown rice to the blender and grind until it is well pulverized.
  • Next step, we place a handful near the nest, we also put the mixture in a plastic bag. We drilled some holes and distributed everything around it.
  • The purpose of doing this is to attract the ants and little by little they take the pieces of rice to the anthill, over time it will dry out just like the eggs.