
Baking soda is a gardener’s best friend: Here are 10 clever ways to use it in the garden

By Lilia

Baking soda, found in almost every kitchen, is a true all-rounder in the garden. It can be used in a variety of ways to promote plant growth, repel pests and make the garden healthier overall. Here are 10 clever ways to use baking soda in the garden:

1. Plant protection against pests:

  • Mix baking soda with water and spray it on your plants to keep pests like aphids and spider mites away. The baking soda creates an alkaline environment that is uncomfortable for these pests.

2. Prevent fungal infections:

  • Baking soda can help prevent fungal infections on plants, especially tomatoes and roses. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 liter of water. Spray the plants regularly.

3. Acid neutralizer:

  • If your soil is too acidic, baking soda can help balance the pH and create a more suitable soil for plant growth.

4. Make tomatoes sweeter:

  • Add a small amount of baking soda around the base of your tomato plants to make the soil slightly alkaline. This can help the tomatoes taste sweeter.

5. Cleaning garden tools:

  • Baking soda is great for cleaning garden tools. It removes dirt and rust, leaving them clean and rust-free.

6. Weed control:

  • To inhibit weed growth, sprinkle baking soda between the cracks of walkways or patios. It kills weeds and prevents them from spreading.

7. Cleaning plant pots:

  • Clay pots can develop limescale over time. Soaking them in a mixture of baking soda and water can easily remove these deposits.

8. Protection for young seedlings:

  • Create a barrier around young seedlings by drawing a line of baking soda around them. This will keep away slugs and snails, which like to eat the young greens.

9. Cleaning garden decorations:

  • If your garden decorations such as statues or furniture are dirty, you can clean them with a paste made of baking soda and water.

10. Elimination of odors:

  • If you have unpleasant odors in the garden area, sprinkle some baking soda on the floor to absorb odors.

Baking soda is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly tool that proves to be extremely useful in the garden. If used correctly, you can not only promote plant growth, but also make your garden healthier and easier to maintain. Try these clever uses and let baking soda become your best friend in the garden.