
“Tears” from the vine are a natural remedy for cataracts, facial skin and lips

By Lilia

The clear liquid that flows from the grape stalks after they are cut, cures many diseases.

It contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances that can help you get rid of puffy eyes, boost your immune system, fight kidney stones and even acne!  

Weeping vine will strengthen the immune system because it contains viniferin, an antioxidant that is 60 times stronger than vitamin C. 

This liquid is a natural medicine with anti-hemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory and non-toxic properties. 

The antiseptic effect of the liquid increases the skin’s resistance to infections.  

Tears of the Vine: Health Benefits.

Our grandparents used to say that whoever drinks the spring “tears” from the vine will forget about the sorrows of the whole year and there will be happiness and kindness in the house.

Any professional or wine enthusiast knows that this clear liqueur has a sweet, pleasant taste.

This phenomenon is called the “crying” of grapes. These drops of juice are also often called “tears”.  

With these tears the vine heals its severed branches.

Although they look like ordinary drops of water, they are much more beneficial to health than they appear.

This liquid is collected in bottles and used for therapeutic purposes.

Store the product in clean, dark and sealed bottles. 

The weeping vine is used in traditional medicine, known and used for thousands of years. 

It is also called “living water” in traditional Romanian medicine.   

Since ancient times, for thousands of years, these drops have been used to protect eye health.

This custom was used by our grandparents and over time the practice acquired a more modern scientific basis.

In medicine, the effects of this precious liquid are already known thanks to the substances in this plant.

Those who have not heard of the use of the vine should know that they are a very good “natural preventive medicine”, known for their anti-hemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory and non-toxic properties. 

Also, this liquid has an antiseptic effect, improves eye and skin health and protects against infections.

Viniferin is an excellent substance for the eyes, but also for the skin of the face and lips.

Grape tears are also useful for biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis and gallstones.

Thanks to grape juice, minor skin lesions can be cured, and in combination with crushed garlic, it strengthens hair roots and prevents baldness.

By the way, with the help of fresh grape leaves, you can eliminate headaches and even migraines.

Also, sunburns and any other burns heal more easily if you apply crushed grape leaves to the affected area.

For the treatment with grape juice for unripe veil. 

Vine branches are cut – preferably during flowering, as they are on the vine and a sterile bottle or a well-washed, convenient container is attached to them! 

When about 2-3 tablespoons of juice are collected, maybe more, strain through 5 layers of cheesecloth and store the bottle in the refrigerator. 

Instill 2 drops in the eyes in the morning and evening for 3 days. 

The treatment is repeated after 2 months.

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