
It seems almost impossible, but it’s all true: resurrect your dead plants

By Lesia

Plants  can face numerous problems such as fungal diseases, pests or environmental stress. To protect them and promote their health, you can use a  natural substance  prepared with baking soda, aloe vera gel, and water. This combination provides antifungal, nutritive and moisturizing properties, helping to save and nourish plants. In this article, we will explain how to prepare this substance and how to use it correctly to achieve  positive results.

Preparation of the substance to save “dead” plants and feed them.

Preparing a substance  to save and feed dead or almost dead plants is a natural and effective option. It is optimal for protecting plants from fungal diseases, pests and environmental stress. Through the preventive use of this substance or as a treatment, positive results can be achieved for the health and growth of plants.

Aloe vera gel extraction

Cut an aloe vera leaf  and carefully remove the outer skin. With the help of a spoon, scoop out the transparent gel inside the sheet. Make sure you collect enough gel for the preparation of the substance.

Baking soda dilution

In a container, mix 1  liter of hot water with 1  tablespoon of baking soda. Mix well until the baking soda has completely dissolved in the solution.

Add aloe vera gel to the  diluted baking soda solution . Mix well until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Baking soda dead plants

Preventive application

Use the  substance as a preventive measure  to protect plants from fungal diseases or pests. Using a sprayer or brush, apply the substance to all parts of the plant, including branches, leaves, and flowers. Be sure to completely cover the plant with a thin layer of substance.

Treatment of dead or diseased plants

If the plants are already affected by  fungal diseases or pests , you can use the substance as a treatment. Apply the substance directly to the affected areas, making sure to cover them completely. Repeat application every 7-10 days, until symptoms decrease or disappear.

Vegetal Nutricion

The substance prepared with  aloe vera gel  provides important nutrients to plants. You can use it as a natural fertilizer by applying the substance around the base of the plant or pouring it into the surrounding soil. This will help improve the overall health of the plants and their ability to absorb nutrients.

Frequency of use

It is recommended  to use the substance for saving and feeding plants  once a month as a preventive measure. However, in case of sick or stressed plants, you can increase the frequency of applications, using them every 7-10 days until the situation improves.

Dead plant nutrition

Monitoring and adaptation

Observe plants carefully when  using the substance . If signs of adverse reactions or burns on the leaves are observed, it is advisable to reduce the concentration of the substance or dilute it further with water.

It is important to carefully observe the plants’ reactions and adapt the doses and frequency of use according to their specific needs. With  proper application , the prepared substance can help keep plants healthy and vigorous, promoting lush growth and  optimal production.