
The best way to preserve lemons, they are tasty!

By Lesia

Preserving lemons effectively is essential to ensuring they stay fresh and tasty for longer.

Lemons are a versatile and delicious ingredient that is often used in cooking, baking and beverages. Learning the best practices for storage will allow you to enjoy its citrus flavor at its best.

Discover below the most effective methods to preserve lemons and make sure you always have this vibrant touch of freshness in your kitchen.


  • 1.5 kg of Lemon
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • 1 Bell pepper
  • Clean, dry glass jar (1 liter)
  • bay leaf
  • Dill seeds: 1 teaspoon per jar
  • c/n black pepper
  • Coriander seeds: 0.5 teaspoons per jar.
  • 2-3 cloves of Garlic (per each jar)
  • 2 cditas. of coarse salt 8 per jar)
  • c/n cold water


  1. To begin, clean the lemons with baking soda.
  2. Then, rinse the lemons under running water and dry them.
  3. Add 1 spicy bell pepper to the glass jar.
  4. Then, a bay leaf is placed in each jar.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon dill seeds per jar.
  6. Add black pepper to taste.
  7. Place 1/2 teaspoon of coriander seeds per jar.
  8. Put 2-3 cloves of garlic in each jar.
  9. Also add 2 teaspoons of coarse salt per jar.
  10. Fill each jar with cold water.
  11. We proceed to close the jars with any lid.
  12. Shake and stir the ingredients well.
  13. Finally, it is kept in a cool place for a year.

These preserved lemons will be ideal for adding a citrus and tasty touch to your dishes all year round. Let’s try and enjoy this method!

Additional Tips:

Fresh Lemons: Use fresh, good quality lemons for best preservation results. Prefer organic lemons if possible.

Jar Hygiene: Make sure the glass jar is clean and completely dry before you start. Hygiene is crucial to avoid contamination.

Adjust the Spicy: If you prefer more or less spicy, adjust the amount of pepper according to your personal taste. You can also vary the amount of garlic to obtain the desired level of flavor.

Storage: Store the jars in a cool, dark place to maintain the quality of the preserved lemons. Avoid direct sunlight.

Storage Time: Although it is mentioned that they can be kept for a year, be sure to visually check the lemons and the liquid before using them to make sure there are no signs of deterioration.

Experiment with Herbs: If you want to experiment, you can add other fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary to give your preserved lemons an extra touch of flavor.

Label and Date: Label the jars with the preparation date for better control of time and freshness.