
Store onions like this for 2 years without them going bad!

By Lesia

Onions are an essential ingredient in cooking, bringing a unique, deep flavor to a variety of dishes, from comforting stews to fresh salads. However, we often run into the dilemma of how to store them properly to prevent them from going bad before we can use them all.

But don’t worry anymore! Here I present the best method to keep your onions fresh and tasty for up to two years. Watch the following video from My Ebruli Kitchen,  which will teach you how to do it:

Below we will tell you how to do it in detail. This is the best way to have onions at home, all the time.

How to store onions in the best way

To start, make sure you have at least 4 kilos of red onions on hand, although you can also use white onions if you prefer. And if you have more onions at home, even better! This method is ideal for large quantities.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Chopping the onions: Start by coarsely chopping the onions to make the drying process easier.
  2. Add salt and mash: Place some onions in a masher and add half a teaspoon of rock salt or sea salt (about 5 grams). Blend the onions until you obtain a uniform puree.
  3. Spread on greaseproof paper: Pour the onion puree onto greaseproof paper, making sure to cover it evenly. Repeat this process with all the onions.
  4. Sun or oven drying: Place the trays with the onion puree in the sun to dry. If the weather is not conducive, you can also dry them in the oven at a low temperature of about 80°C.
  5. Break and dry: Once the onion puree starts to dry but is still slightly moist, break the onion into smaller pieces to make the drying process easier. This will allow them to dry faster and more evenly.
  6. Complete drying: Continue drying the onions in the sun or in the oven until they are completely dry and crisp. This process can take approximately two days, depending on weather conditions and the size of the onions.
  7. Grind again if necessary: ​​If you notice that any part of the onion puree is still wet, you can grind it again to make sure it is completely dry.
  8. Storage: Once the onions are dry, you can store them in airtight jars in a cool, dry place. This storage method will keep your onions fresh and tasty for up to two years without spoiling.

Now you are ready to enjoy fresh onions in your favorite dishes for a long time! Whether in sauces for meat and chicken, in recipes for pastries, pasta or any other dish you like, the flavor and quality of your dried onions will be unmatched.