
Nettle ointment for joint pain, rheumatism, leg swelling and varicose veins

By Lilia

Homemade nettle ointment should be in every home.

This natural remedy has a wide range of uses and benefits.

Nettle is an excellent fertilizer for the garden, against pests, but it also has a positive effect on our health. 

A great helper in the fight against varicose veins. 

It can be used all year round. 

A tea is made from dried leaves, while you can make an ointment from fresh nettles.

Nettle has a beneficial effect on our health – mental and physical. 

It is an excellent helper in the fight against skin problems and varicose veins. 

Fights acne and rashes. 

It has a positive effect on our musculoskeletal system, helps with rheumatism or leg swelling. 

Nettle shampoo is used for problems with hair loss and dandruff or for irritated scalp.

Nettle ointment fights varicose veins and oily skin. 

Helps with minor abrasions and small wounds. 

In the case of a bruise, the application of an ointment will ensure faster wound healing and healing. 

It has a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect, is suitable for joint and muscle pain and can therefore also be used for massage. 

It is recommended to apply to the affected area several times a day, before application it is recommended to moisten the area with a cotton pad with water or chamomile tea.

Homemade nettle ointment

You can prepare it at home in two ways. 

One of them will be appreciated mainly by vegetarians who avoid using animal products. 

Ointment can be prepared from fresh or dried nettle. 

If you want the ointment to have a warming effect, add hot pepper.

For lard ointment, you will need 5 tablespoons of nettle leaves and 100 grams of unsalted lard. 

Melt the lard in a saucepan and add the finely chopped nettles. 

Boil until you get a mass with a mushy consistency that resembles a classic cream. 

Transfer the ointment into small jars.

For the lard-free version, you will need 250 grams of coconut oil and 3 handfuls of nettle leaves. 

Dissolve the butter in a water bath and add the finely chopped nettle.

Leave for 3 hours, pull it aside and leave it until the next day. 

The next day, reheat in a water bath and strain.

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