
Why do you put bay leaves under your pillow?

By Lilia

The bay plant is known for its medicinal properties, but it can also be used to great effect in the home. It has many advantages, both aesthetic and functional, that make it an ideal option for various uses. From adding rustic charm to a room to improving air quality, bay leaves are a great choice for your home.

From a functional point of view, bay leaves are a great option to improve the air quality in your home. Its leaves contain essential oils that help purify the air and eliminate bad odors. These oils also have antiseptic properties, which can help reduce the spread of germs and potentially reduce the risk of illness.

In addition to its air-purifying properties, bay leaf can also be used to reduce anxiety and stress. The essential oils in its leaves have calming properties and can help reduce feelings of anxiety or stress. That is why it is a great choice for those who want to create a calm atmosphere in their home.

Overall, bay leaves are a great choice for adding rustic charm and improving the air quality in your home. Due to its ease of care and air purifying properties, it is an ideal option for any home.

Sleep with bay leaves under your pillow

Sleeping with a handful of fragrant bay leaves under your pillow is said to provide a restful night’s sleep. Long associated with peace and protection, these leaves are believed to have a calming effect on the body and mind when placed under the pillow.

This ancient practice can also promote more restful sleep, as the scent of the leaves is known to have a calming effect. In some cultures, bay leaves are also believed to bring good luck to those who sleep with them under their pillow. So if you’re looking for a peaceful night’s rest, give it a try and see if sleeping with bay leaves helps you get a restful night’s sleep.