
Why doctors hide the fact that the kidneys can be cured without chemistry – with millet!

By Lilia

Kidney treatment with millet is very effective. 

Millet removes stones and sand from the kidneys and bladder, cures cystitis, helps with diseases in women.

The article is devoted to the old, slightly forgotten methods of treating the kidneys with millet, which can still be used today.

1) Wash one cup of millet with warm water, pour it into a 3-liter jar and fill it with 2/3 hot hot water. 

Then leave it at room temperature, covered. 

The next day you will see a white sediment in the water. This is your medicine.

Drink the liquid in any quantity and whenever you want. 

When the liquid runs out, fill the jar with millet and pour boiling water over again. 

You can drink until the millet changes its taste. 

Then take another cup of millet.

Millet perfectly helps the kidneys and the entire urinary system: it cleans the kidneys, removes sand and stones, helps with women’s diseases and treats cystitis. 

It helps in the treatment of stones in the bladder – after the start of the use of the decoction, within a week or two, the stones dissolve and are excreted in the urine.

2) The following case is described by a doctor who threw up his hands after his patient developed kidney failure.

Millet helped the kidneys of a woman who had complications after the flu – as a result of the infection, the urinary tract was blocked, which caused urine retention. 

The woman was in the hospital and was quite unwell – she did not urinate for two days, her kidneys failed, uremia began.

Close relatives began to say goodbye to her, because such patients do not live more than 3 days – the kidneys die, and with them the person.

However, a woman who was brought to the hospital during the night helped. She asked what had happened, and when she found out, she called her husband to bring her some millet urgently. He brought it quickly even though it was late at night (3am). 

They made a decoction and started giving the patient with kidney failure 1 tablespoon every ten minutes. 8 hours passed, the channel opened and the urine started.

Rinse well half a cup of millet, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 7 minutes. After the infusion is ready, drink without any measure. 

Millet is also suitable for eating in the form of cereals and soups. There are no known harms, and in treatment it is extremely useful.

3) Treatment of the kidneys with millet for inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureter and bladder.

Half fill a 3-liter jar with millet, pour boiling water to the top, mix well, cover and leave for a day. 

Strain all the liquid and drink it throughout the day without any restrictions. Continue the course of treatment for one week.

You can make porridge from the remaining millet. Prepare a new portion of the millet decoction for each day.

Here is another recipe with millet that will cure inflammatory processes in the urinary system:

Carefully clean a cup of millet by rinsing it with cold water. 

Put the millet in a 3-liter jar, pour 2 cups of warm boiled water and stir vigorously for three minutes. 

Drink the resulting whitish mass without any restrictions.

4) A folk recipe for the treatment of cystitis and kidneys with millet and herbs.

You need 2 tablespoons of millet. Take the millet by rinsing it beforehand. 

Then pour 2 cups of boiling water to it. Put on the fire until it boils and stir. Turn off the heat, leave for 1 minute, strain and drink according to the following scheme:

1 day – 1 tablespoon every hour;

2nd day – 3 tablespoons every hour;

from 3 to 7 days – 2 cups three times a day before meals.

In addition to millet decoction, also take diuretic herbs for the kidneys:

Cranberry leaves – pour 1 tablespoon with 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid, cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Strain and cool. Drink one small sip a day.


Cranberries – 1 tablespoon. Pour 1 cup of boiling water, close with a lid, cook for 5 minutes on low heat. 

Let it stand for an hour and a half. Drink three cups of the decoction, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

5) Cleansing the kidneys with millet and blueberry porridge.

This method not only cleanses the kidneys, but also reduces high blood pressure and strengthens your bone tissue.

Allow the millet to germinate. For this to happen, cover the seeds with water, put gauze and wait until the sprouts sprout. 

The process takes several days. Then wash and dry the germinated seeds. Boil without any features as a simple porridge in water.

Eat the porridge without adding butter, salt and sugar along with the blueberries. This food will be a real feast for your kidneys.

The result – cleaning of the kidneys, including from sand, mucus, stones, relief of inflammation, restoration of tissues of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The advantage of blueberries is that they are rich in many trace elements needed by the kidneys. 

Such porridges are useful even if your kidneys do not hurt, as a preventive measure.

Treating the kidneys with millet is a great opportunity to give them what they want, namely healthy and peaceful work.

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Source: bukvarche.com