
How to stimulate the “earth tendons” of the legs

By Lilia

The condition of the tendons is related to the functions of important internal organs. To normalize the work of the body, it is useful to pat, massage certain tendons. 

Kneeling is also an effective exercise. Which tendons are associated with the functions of the liver, genitals, bladder, etc.?

It is enough to periodically stimulate the “earth tendons” of the legs, and our strength will be revived again and again. 

Looking at the rope bridge over the Yangpu River in Shanghai, one is involuntarily amazed by the majesty and majesty of this structure. 

Did you notice what this bridge rests on? It is supported by strong steel cables, essentially the heart of this structure. 

For the human body to be healthy, it is necessary for the wires to be as strong as these steel cables.

The root of the disease is the condition of the tendons

Every person hopes to be healthy, to live in peace and joy. 

But the pace of modern life is such that we are constantly under pressure, we cannot relax even for a minute.

And diseases begin to develop:

liver disease

prostate problems


ankylosing spondylitis

bulging of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine,


problems with the blood vessels of the brain,

Parkinson’s disease,

hyperactivity of children.

At first glance, the diseases are different, but they all stem from the same root, and that root is the condition of the tendons.

The “Huangdi Neijing” says, “The liver is responsible for the tendons.” Tendons are defined as all the ligaments in the human body.

Many diseases of unknown etiology must be treated with tendon theory. 

The body has master switches, in order to improve health or deal with illness, you must use these switches.

This is the main “secret” since ancient times. The “reset point” of Tai Chun, about which I have written extensively, the “clearing point” of Yang Ling Quan, the “replenishment of blood point” of Lao Gong, the “nourishing kidney point” of Tai Si – each of these important points is able to solve a problem in the body. 

Much has already been written and said about these points, this information is known to many.

How to take care of tendons

Today I want to tell you about something that can hardly be calculated in books, but the healing effect is comparable to the effect on the points listed above. 

I want to talk about pushing the “earth vein” – Dee Jin.

In the ancient Taoist treatises there are the following words:

“The heavenly vein is kept in the eyes, the earthly vein is in the feet.”

The Heavenly Vein is difficult for an ordinary person to train. And anyone can easily find the earth vein and tap into it for health benefits.

By stretching, massaging this tendon we can get a wonderful effect.

Place the foot of one leg on the thigh of the other, rotate the foot toward you, and pull the toes outward until a tendon appears on the foot that is firm to the touch.

By stretching, massaging this tendon we can get a wonderful effect. 

The more irritable a person is, the tighter this tendon is, if you press it with your thumb, it feels like you are touching a taut string.

If you have liver problems, massaging this tendon is imperative. 

But the earth vein is located on the foot, it does not belong to any energy channel, what does the liver have to do with it?

But look carefully. In fact, the “terrestrial vein” is where the liver channel passes, but the liver channel is usually called the top of the foot.

The “earth vein” – Di jin – runs along the liver channel. By acting on Di Jin, you can restore the liver.

Liver problems are key health concerns. By strengthening the liver, we stimulate the body’s function of breaking down toxins, digestion and the production of fresh blood.

It is actually very difficult to strengthen and heal the liver. Medicines are not very effective here, and neither is acupuncture. 

And here the phrase of the ancients that the liver is responsible for the tendons should help us.

By training the tendons, it is possible to restore the functional state of the liver. 

Although the “vein of the earth” is visible to the naked eye, some cannot find it. Or, pushing it, they feel that it is soft and calm, almost does not stand out when bending the fingers up. 

This is a sign that a person has little liver qi, the blood does not flow well to the legs.

It is also beneficial for such people to influence Di Jin.

And in others, although the vein appears distinct, it is completely insensible to pressure, and not taut, like quilting.

It is useful to walk on your knees to strengthen the tendons.

This often happens in men over fifty years old: in their youth they were explosive and irritable, the liver functions actively, but due to alcohol abuse, sexual excesses or emotional overstrain, the liver qi weakens.

For such men, it is also useful to press and massage the “earth vein”.

I want to say a little more about tendons so you can use this information based on your specific symptoms.

The knees are the seat of the tendons.

More frequent patting below the knees along the bladder channel and relaxing the tendons is helpful.

This is why walking on your knees is so beneficial for strengthening the tendons. 

The Yang Ling Kuan point on the Gallbladder Channel is called the “Tendon Confluence Point”. Therefore, pressing it is useful for “cleaning” the tendons.

In the posterior middle Du Mai channel, shortening of the ligaments along the spine often occurs, so it is helpful to massage the spine with the base of the palm to stretch the ligaments.

Below the knees – along the bladder channel, the tendons are often overstretched. 

Therefore, it is helpful to pat this area more often and relax the tendons.

How to know if you have liver and tendon problems

Please remember that by helping the tendons, we are helping the liver. Symptoms like

i move




rigidity (ossification),





it’s all about the liver.

A few days ago I wrote an article “Stand like a tiger” that male strength is associated with the state of two channels – the liver and kidneys.

In the article, I advised men to more often do exercises to extend their legs to the side as fully as possible, because this helps to strengthen the canals. 

Basically, in this exercise we stretch the tendons and ligaments on the inner thighs.

In ancient medical treatises, the male genital organ is called the “birth vein”, of course, all the tendons converge here. 

By providing sufficient blood supply to the tendons, we take care of the liver and at the same time improve sexual function, the easiest way to do this is by stretching the “earth vein” and our strength will be revived again and again.

When people look at the rope bridge over the Yangpu River in Shanghai, they are amazed by the grandeur and majesty of this structure.

Have you noticed what this bridge rests on? It is supported by strong steel cables, actually the veins of this structure. 

Let’s try to keep the veins in our body as strong as the cables of this bridge.

From blog entries:

Question: I cannot find this “earth vein” in any way. Does it run along the foot or across?

The answer:   Turn the foot toward you, pull the big toe up, a large vein will be clearly visible that runs from the base of the big toe to the base of the heel. 

Just as the liver channel runs along the outside of the foot.

– Teacher Zheng is talking about Di Jin.

I trained those tendons to get rid of convulsions. At first they were very heavy and painful. After a few massage sessions we relaxed. 

Massage to prevent convulsions is performed in a relaxed state, specifically looking for positions in which muscles spasm.

In fact, muscle spasm is the body’s natural response to self-regulation. Under the influence of cold or overexertion, the tendons and ligaments in some parts of the body naturally shorten, sometimes causing pain, sometimes very severe pain. 

But after a short time – a minute or a little more, the pain reaches its maximum and is immediately released, at the same time the tendon relaxes, warms up and returns to its normal state.

Unfortunately, we know little about this method of self-regulation of the body, we panic from spasms, change the position of the body, interrupting the process of self-healing.

– Everyone can see for himself: in hot-tempered and irritable people, the “earth vein” sticks out on the foot, like a thick, tightly stretched string, it is acutely painful when pressed. 

It is not very convenient to push this place yourself, and if loved ones push it, it is difficult to find an appropriate pressure force, the massage can be so painful that it is impossible to hold back tears.

I advise everyone to buy a massager – wheels with a long handle. Hold the foot with one hand and massage with the other. 

Regular massage allows you to achieve remarkable results, not inferior to pressing the Tai Chun point.

– I want to express my proposal: The liver is responsible for the breakdown of toxins. 

Those who frequently take medication must constantly stretch their tendons and ligaments daily. 

The best way to do this is with the exercise we’ve all done in the warm-up in gym class – the lateral hip extension. 

This exercise is useful for everyone, but especially for those who often take medication.