
Trick for abundant flowering of your orchids

By Lesia

Lemon juice can be used effectively to encourage abundant flowering in your orchids. This trick works due to the acidity of lemon, which helps adjust the pH of the irrigation water, benefiting the absorption of nutrients by the plant. Here is a simple method to apply lemon juice to your orchids:


  • 1 lemon
  • Distilled or rain water (it is preferable to avoid tap water if it has a high chlorine or salt content)
  • A mixing bowl
  • A dropper or spray bottle


  1. Prepare the mixture : Squeeze the juice of a lemon and dilute it in a liter of distilled or rain water. It is important that the mixture be diluted so as not to burn the roots of the orchids.
  2. Watering : Use this diluted lemon juice mixture to water your orchids once a month. Make sure the substrate is well soaked, but that there is no standing water at the base of the pot, as this can cause root rot.
  3. Foliar application (optional): You can use a dropper or spray bottle to apply a small amount of the mixture to the orchid leaves, which can also help improve nutrient absorption. Be sure to apply during the morning so the leaves dry during the day and avoid fungal problems.


  • pH Adjustment : Lemon juice helps adjust the pH of irrigation water, making it more acidic, which is beneficial for the absorption of certain nutrients.
  • Nutrient absorption : An adequate pH makes it easier for the plant to absorb essential nutrients from the substrate, promoting better overall health and flowering.
  • Control of fungi and bacteria : The acidity of lemon can also help keep certain pathogens that affect orchids at bay.


  • Don’t overdo it : Don’t use the lemon juice mixture more than once a month. Excess acidity can be harmful.
  • Monitoring : Observe your orchids after applying the mixture. If you notice any signs of stress or damage, discontinue use and rinse the roots thoroughly with plain water.

By following these steps, you can help your orchids have more abundant and healthy blooms.