
Trick to get avocados without stopping

By Lesia

Necessary materials:

  1. avocado pit
  2. toothpicks
  3. Glass of water
  4. Potting soil
  5. Flowerpot

Steps to follow:

Step 1: Preparation of the avocado pit

  1. Wash the avocado pit well to remove any remaining pulp.
  2. Carefully insert three to four toothpicks into the sides of the bone, about halfway up the bone. This will allow you to suspend the bone over a glass of water.

Step 2: Suspend the bone over water

  1. Fill a glass with water halfway.
  2. Place the avocado pit on the glass so that the toothpicks are resting on the edge of the glass and the bottom end of the pit is submerged in water. Make sure the widest part of the bone is facing down.

Step 3: Water Change

  1. Change the water every few days to prevent mold growth and keep the process sanitary.

Step 4: Wait for it to sprout

  1. Place the glass in a warm place with indirect light.
  2. After a few weeks, you will start to see roots and a shoot emerging from the bone.

Step 5: Transplant into soil

  1. When the roots are about 5-7cm long, transplant the pit into a pot of potting soil, leaving the top of the pit exposed.
  2. Water the newly transplanted avocado plant and place it in a sunny location.

Step 6: Ongoing care

  1. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy.
  2. Provide direct sunlight regularly.
  3. Watch your avocado plant grow and develop new leaves.