
The unique ability of fingers to heal our body

By Lilia

Turns out your fingers can heal your body. 

If the joints are flexible and mobile, the condition of the internal organs is fine and everything is functioning properly. 

Conversely, if the fingers are tired or hard to bend, you need to pay serious attention.

If you want to help your body easily and imperceptibly, then every time you apply nourishing cream to your hands, pay special attention to each finger and do not forget to do a light massage. 

This will not only help the cream to be absorbed faster, but will also be an excellent stimulation of the internal organs.

More recently, Western medicine recognized the presence in the human body of “energy channels and meridians that connect various organs and form the energy-information framework of the entire organism.” Simply put, the connection between fingers and internal organs was officially recognized!


the first (thumb) is the brain;

the second (indicator) is the stomach;

third (middle finger) – intestines;

fourth (ring finger) – liver;

the fifth (little finger) is the heart.

Medicinal herbs

In Indian yoga there are special poses called hasta. With their help, you can regulate the operation of the indoor unit.

1. For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and stress relief.

Place your hands, palms together, a short distance apart. Then alternately curl the fingers from small to large and at the same time make circular movements with your hands.

2. For headaches, heaviness in the head and high blood pressure.

Place your fingers on top of each other in sequence: the fourth to the fifth, the third to the fourth, etc. Then repeat this exercise in reverse order. It should be done with both hands at the same time.

3. With ear diseases and hearing complications.

Bend the middle finger so that it touches the base of the thumb and press the bent middle finger with it.

The remaining fingers should be straight but not tense. Hold your fingers in this position for 2-3 minutes and repeat the exercise several times.

4. For sciatica, rheumatism, pain in the spine and joints

Bend the index finger so that it reaches the base of the thumb with the pad. He, in turn, slightly held it.

Straighten the remaining fingers and relax. Do it for 10-15 minutes and within a few hours of doing it, the pain will subside.

5. For colds, cough, sinusitis, pneumonia.

To activate the immune system, put your palms together with crossed fingers. 

Set aside the thumb of one hand and make a ring around it with the index finger and thumb of the other hand.

6. With sharp pain in the region of the heart before the arrival of a doctor.

It is desirable that this mudra be known by all, and one day it may save your life.

Indications: pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations.

When these conditions appear, you should immediately start performing this mudra simultaneously with both hands. Relief is immediate.

Method of execution:

The index finger is bent in such a way that it touches the base of the thumb. At the same time, you contract the middle, ring and thumb fingers, while the little finger remains extended.

This really works. It has been tested countless times on a huge number of people and of course on me personally. 

You can easily experience the action of this mudra right now. Try to do as shown in the photo and you will feel a pleasant sensation in the chest resulting from the expansion of the vessels. 

There is a subtlety here, the index finger may not immediately reach the right place and you may not feel anything, move your finger a few millimeters in both directions, look for this point. 

The action of this hasta is similar to taking a nitroglycerin tablet.

7. With rapid fatigue, irritability, visual impairment.

Gather the pads of the little, ring finger and thumb, and straighten the rest freely. 

Regular performance of this exercise not only heals the eyes but also improves overall well-being.

8. If you need to quickly calm down after a strong emotional shock.

Connect the first and second or first and third fingers of both hands, then calmly take a few breaths in and out. 

This hasta also promotes inner concentration.

9. In case of inflammation of the stomach, intestines, liver diseases, swelling and colic.

Bend the little finger of the right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb, with which you gently press it.

With your left hand, grasp the right hand from below so that the thumb of the left hand is on top of the thumb of the right.

10. To restore appetite.

Close the sides of the thumbs and cross and bend the remaining fingers so that they are inside the palms.

For treatment and prevention, do the exercises 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes. Then massage all the fingers well.

It should be noted that the wisdom inherent in Oriental medicine has been confirmed by Western scientists. 

Share these simple tips to improve your well-being with your friends and don’t forget to try some exercises yourself. 

Make sure your body is able to repair itself!

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