
Why roll a ball alternating with a rolling pin and should you do it?

By Lilia

According to statistics, the number of overweight people is increasing every year. 

There is a theory that this is due to the fact that in the age of digital technology and the constant flow of information, it is difficult to separate useful methods of solving a problem from ineffective ones.

In order not to receive false information and not to be disappointed, you should listen only to those sources that you trust 100%.

Today the editors of “search-2.blogspot.com” will share with you how to lose weight using exercises developed by Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. 

Bubnovski is a doctor of medical sciences, professor, author of new non-operative methods for the treatment of the spine and joints, creator of the latest direction in medicine – kinesitherapy, in which the patient himself directs his own strength to his personal recovery. 

And all this thanks to the internal reserve and understanding of the state of the body. His methodology is recognized in wide circles of the medical community, and since 1989, more than 80 centers operating according to Bubnovsky’s method have been operating in Russia and abroad. 

Over 100,000 patients have been cured in the Moscow center alone in the last 10 years. The treatment of Sergey Mikhailovich includes proper movement and application of special medical and rehabilitation simulators, in which the doctor compiles a program of classes, but the main actor in the healing process is the patient himself.

The nice thing about this is that you can easily perform Bubnovsky’s exercises at home.


Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and lean your body slightly forward. 

Hold a rolling pin or round stick by the ends with both hands and massage your abdomen with it, rolling it from bottom to top for 2-5 minutes.

Such a massage is done from medium to strong kneading. 

During its performance, fatty formations can be felt on the abdomen, which can be painful to knead. However, there is no danger from such a massage.

Exercise 2

Lie on your back and bend your legs at the knees, placing them on a chair or couch. 

Press your palms to your ears and rotate your elbows to the sides. 

Then begin to bend the torso as you exhale, trying to touch your knees with your elbows and tear your shoulder blades off the floor. 

Repeat the exercise 20 to 50 times. If you have difficulty, do fewer repetitions.

Also try to hold for a short time in full flexion and at the same time pull in the stomach. Thus, the effect of the exercise will be doubled.

Exercise 3

Place the ball on the floor and lie on it on your stomach. 

Then continue to roll the ball clockwise. In total you need to do 10 full circles.

Such a massage should be done on an empty stomach, but you can drink at least a glass of water beforehand.

Exercise 4

Lie on the floor, stretch your arms back and hold them for some support. 

Then start lifting your legs, trying to touch the feet of the support you are holding on to. 

Try not to touch your heels to the floor as you lower your legs. 

Do the exercise 10-20 times. A slight burning sensation should occur in the abdominal muscles. 

This means it’s time to finish this exercise and move on to the next one.

Exercise 5

Lie on your back, bend your legs to the sides and spread your arms. 

Rotate your legs, keeping them together, alternately to the right and left until your knees touch the floor. 

Move slowly and try to keep your palms and shoulder blades off the floor. 

Repeat 10 to 20 times on each side.

And do not be afraid of the possible cracking in the lumbar region when performing the first 3-4 movements. This is good.

Exercise 6

Lie on your back and stretch your arms above your head. 

Bend your torso as you exhale, trying to touch straight legs with straight arms. Do up to 20 reps.

Exercise 7

Lying on the floor, grasp the fixed support with outstretched arms and simultaneously move the hips towards the abdomen. Perform the exercise at least 20 times.

Exercise 8

Kneeling, rest your hands on the handles of the roller. Extend your torso until your stomach touches the floor. 

Keep your arms straight while doing this. Then stand up until returning to the starting position. 

The number of repetitions is from 10 to 20 times. 

Try not to repeat a common mistake: do not bend the spine when returning to the starting position. 

To make it easier, start with a partial torso stretch.

If any of you find this exercise difficult, you can skip it.

Exercise 9

Lie on the floor, press your palms to your ears. 

Alternately touch your knees with your elbows crossed. 

In this case, the knee of the bent leg should be pressed as close as possible to the stomach, and the other leg should simultaneously stand on the floor without touching it. 

Do 10-20 reps on each side.

Despite their usefulness and effectiveness, some exercises have a number of contraindications that you should pay attention to first.


Exercises No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 cannot be performed with hemorrhoids and prolapse of internal organs, as well as in the acute stage of pyelonephritis. 

Contraindications for performing these exercises also include liver diseases in an acute stage (hepatitis, cirrhosis), conditions after appendectomy, cholecystectomy (the first 6 months), urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

It is better not to do these exercises with acute pain in the lumbar region, prolapse of the uterus, and it is absolutely forbidden to do them in the presence of hernia of the white line of the abdomen, umbilical or inguinal hernia.

In the period of active weight loss, in addition to training and massage, try to eat a balanced diet and replace all drinks with water in order to quickly achieve the desired result.

Some claim that this is the best set of weight loss exercises in the last few years. 

What do you think? Write in the comments which exercise was the easiest for you and which required the most effort.

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