
Toilet balls, I don’t buy them anymore, but I make them myself in 5 minutes. I SAVE A LOT OF MONEY

By Lesia

A wide range of air fresheners are available on store shelves today. They have a long-lasting but pleasant aroma.

I also used to use these aerosol air fresheners until I realized that most of them have a negative impact on human health, and in my family we have an allergic child.

After browsing through housewife advice books, I learned several methods for making an air freshener at home without using harmful ingredients or spending a lot of money, and I’m ready to share them with you!

BAKING SODA TO REFRESH THE HOME: For me, it is important that the bathroom not only smells good, but is also clean. One way to achieve this is by using baking soda. Eliminates unpleasant odors and disinfects the space. There are many recipes that use it, but I will share the two most effective.

FIRST OPTION For the first recipe you will need:

– Baking soda – 1 cup;

– Vinegar (1 teaspoon);

– ¼ cup of citric acid;

– Hydrogen peroxide – 1 large tablespoon;

– Essential oil – a few drops.

PREPARATION PROCESS: In a deep container, add baking soda, citric acid, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and a small teaspoon of vinegar. Mix everything very well.

After mixing, add a few drops of essential oil. This mixture is applied in small quantities on previously prepared paper and left to dry for several hours.

Once the necessary time has passed, collect the hardened pills in a box or container and use them.

In the toilet, we always have containers for disinfection, so we place the manufactured tablets there and when flushing, we feel a pleasant aroma and leave the toilet crystal clear.

You can make your own disinfectant or buy it at the store, choose a tablet and add a homemade natural product to it.

SECOND OPTION For this recipe you will need:

– Sodium bicarbonate;

– Citric acid;

– Essential oils.

HOW TO MAKE IT In a deep container, mix baking soda and citric acid in a ratio of 1:3, then add 30-40 drops of essential oil, it can be peppermint, lemon, orange oil, etc.

Mix well and if it is dry, add water.

Warning! Add the water in small amounts to avoid a violent reaction between the citric acid and baking soda.

If you add food coloring, you can get any color you want.

The mixture in the container should have the consistency of clay to be able to make balls that hold their shape.

Roll the mixture into balls and let them dry for 24 hours, then use them.

Have a good day!