
Learn to Use Cinnamon to Care for Your Plants….

By Lesia

Cinnamon is a spice used in many recipes, especially desserts and sweets. It stands out for its high content of flavonoids, something that gives it powerful antioxidant properties. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It is considered a beneficial food for human health but it can also contribute to the good condition of plants.

In this article we tell you how you can use cinnamon to care for your indoor and outdoor plants and any plants you may have grown in your garden.

Learn to Use Cinnamon to Care for Your Plants

Using cinnamon on our plants will be of great benefit, it will enhance the growth of healthy roots, it will effectively protect our plants and it will work as a natural fertilizer:

1-Helps generate roots in plants

 By using cinnamon in our plants, we can make them root more quickly and safely. If you have been given a cutting or we want to form a new plant from one of the ones we already have, cinnamon will be our ally to get a strong and healthy plant.We just have to put a little cinnamon on the tip of the stem of our cutting and then plant as usual, we will do the same if it were a leaf.

2. Powerful Fungicide

Its antifungal properties have been known since ancient times; it serves to prevent the attack of fungi that cause diseases in plants and also to eliminate them without resorting to chemical fungicides.

Some fungi weaken plants, causing whitish or dark spots to appear on leaves and stems. They usually appear in humid environments, with little ventilation, and in plants whose substrate has not been aerated. To avoid this you can sprinkle a little cinnamon on the leaves or apply it to the soil.

3. Natural Repellent

Cinnamon is effective in preventing the appearance of insect and arachnid pests that can harm plants such as ants, whiteflies, red spiders, aphids and caterpillars. You can apply a small amount of cinnamon powder to the soil, forming a circle around the stem of the plant. With this you will be able to keep the insects away.

4. A Richer Substrate

Cinnamon is effective for plant growth thanks to its calcium and magnesium content. If your plants need an extra contribution, try watering them every 15 days with cinnamon water. You can obtain it by boiling a cinnamon stick in a liter of water or dilute two tablespoons of cinnamon powder in hot water. When the preparation is cold, water with the cinnamon water or mix in a larger amount of water.

5. Ideal for Cuttings to Thrive

This spice is one of the most effective natural rooting agents. Cinnamon helps a cutting end up becoming a plant, the way to use it is:

If you have taken a cutting and are going to plant it in the ground, before doing so, sprinkle cinnamon directly on the cutting of the stem or leaf and plant it in a temporary pot.

If the cutting requires a few days in water, enrich it by adding a tablespoon of cinnamon powder to the water. You will see that in both cases the cutting will begin to grow its healthy roots in a short time.