
Unexpected Home Trick to Eliminate Pipe Odor: Works INSTANTLY!

By Lesia

If you are worried about the unpleasant smell coming from the drain, it is time to do something about it.

We have a simple trick that will allow you to solve this problem in no time.

It is a very simple and effective solution.

Try this tip from the YouTube channel Il Rifugio Perfetto and see for yourself.

You will need: 1 cube of yeast (you can also use dry yeast) 1 tablespoon of sugar crystals or 100 g of baking soda 100 g of salt boiling water

Procedure: Cleaning with yeast

It is advisable to carry out this maintenance once a week.

The yeast bacteria consume the waste that causes the unpleasant odor.

Simply crumble the yeast in the toilet.

Then add 1 teaspoon of sugar crystals.

Leave this mixture on overnight.

Cleaning with baking soda and salt

Pour baking soda and salt into the toilet and add boiling water.

In this case, leave it on overnight.

With this yeast method, you can also eliminate drain odor.

Simply dissolve a cube of yeast together with 2 teaspoons of sugar in 1 liter of water, mix well and pour it down the drain.

Effective trick against odor and drain clogging, from Mrs. Majka.

In the building we had a big problem with the smell of the pipes, especially on the upper floors.

For me, this worked better than chemicals, which damaged my shower tray and left ugly white stains.

At first, my neighbors were skeptical, but especially one neighbor, who also tried it, was delighted.

Since the chemicals literally damaged my shower tray, I no longer use them and try to avoid them as much as possible. When we have problems with shower odor in the building, I use this proven method.

At night I pour 2 sachets of baking powder down the drain and in the morning I simply rinse it with a strong stream of water.

I have peace for two weeks, while my neighbor on the same floor complains about the smell every day.

I especially recommend it for those who live on the upper floors of the building.

With baking powder, I also found a perfect way to unclog the pipes.

It is excellent and acts quickly and reliably.

It hasn’t disappointed me. Before pouring it down the drain, I remove as much hair and dirt as possible from the surface.

You will need: 200 g baking powder 200 g salt 150 g warm vinegar a little hot water

How to do it? Mix the salt and baking powder together.

Pour the resulting mixture into the sink and pour the warm vinegar over it.

Add some hot water and wait a few minutes.

Mixing vinegar with powder and salt will completely dissolve any blockages in the pipes.

I have tried.

Another home trick to eliminate unpleasant odors!

There’s nothing better than this homemade trick, which costs almost nothing and only requires common kitchen ingredients.

You will need: 1 cup of vinegar 5 tablespoons of baking soda 1 glass of water


  1. Pour the water into a pot along with the vinegar and bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove the trap grates from the sinks, as well as those from the shower or bathtub. Pour the baking soda directly into the drain.
  3. When the vinegar water boils, carefully pour it down the drain and let it sit for 30 minutes.

The chemical reaction that occurs will clear the blockage and eliminate unpleasant odors.

  1. Then rinse the mixture with a stream of clean tap water.