
Enjoy your home: suggestions for growing the pepper without cooking and spreading the pepper

By Lesia

Are you a fan of our nostrano heat? Enjoy your space and pepper directly at home! In this easy guide to follow, hope for a creative impulse: collect the peperoncini from time to time and suggest suggestions on the propagation of the peperoncini for a continuous raccolto. Prepare and add a tocco infuocato al tuo giardino di casa.

Suggest to cook the pepper without salt:

  1. This complementary variety:  Select a peperoncino variety that complements the habit of growing the pomodoro plant. This guarantees that your space is in harmony.
  2. Spatia corretta:  during the week, there is sufficient space on the ground and peperoncino to avoid panic. This favors a good circulation of the air, reducing the risk of malaria.
  3. Solar light requirements:  If it is possible to light the solar light. Assicurati che ricevano almeno 6-8 ore de luce solare diretta al giorno para una crescita e una produzione de frutti ottimali.
  4. Well-drained soil:  nutritious and peppered soil in well-drained soil with compost. If you wish to prevent water-related conditions, you may be affected by the radiant temperature.
  5. Irrigation consistency:  maintain a cost-effective irrigation to maintain the soil uniformly with humidity. All the same, wash the upper part of the earth first and again to avoid excessive irrigation.

Come propagate the peperoncini at home:

  1. Scegli peperoncini sani:  scegli peperoncini sani with lively and well-integrated colors. I ripe peppers with very good results.
  2. Remove it semi:  tag it and peel it and remove it delicately and semi. Clean it accurately to eliminate possible pollution residue.
  3. Asciugare i semi all’aria:  put i semi su un tovagliolo di carta ad asciugare all’aria per alcuni giorni. Assicurati che siano completely asciutti first to proceed in the successive passage.
  4. Prepare the semi-initial mist:  use a semi-initial mist for the semi-peperoncino seminar. This mix ensures the proper balance of nutrients for germination.
  5. Semina and germinazione:  plant and semi in piccoli vasi o vassoi, ricoprendoli con un sottile strato di terra. Maintain the soil with plenty of humidity and provide heat for successful germination.
  6. Trapeze di piantine:  a volta che le piantine sono diventate abbastanza grandi, trapiantale in contenitori more großo direttamente nel tuo giardino.
  7. Provide adequate treatment:  try to regulate the floor and gradually light up the solar light for strong and healthy growth.

Advantages of the collection of peppercorns with the ability to propagate and propagate peppercorns:

  1. Ottimizzazione dello spazio:  coltivare peperoncini sieme ai pomodori ottimizza lo spazio, sfruttando al massimo il tuo giardino o container.
  2. Continuous Continuity:  The propagation of the pepper allows for a continuous raccolto, guaranteeing a fresh supply of piccante during all the crescendo stage.
  3. Sapore nostrano:  Goditi la soddisfazione di aggiungere peperoncini nostrani alle tue creazioni coninerie, elevando il sapore dei oi piatti.

Conclusione: seguendo questi suggerimenti per coltivare i peperoncini insieme ai pomodori e padroneggiando l’arte della propagazione dei peperoncini, sarai sulla buona strada per un abundant raccolto di delizie piccanti. Absorb the heat and the heat so that your home garden has a fresh and infusible paradise!