
How a simple egg relieved the pain in my mother’s knees and bones

By Lilia

Knee pain and joint problems can significantly affect everyday life and greatly reduce the quality of life. In this personal account, you will learn how a surprising remedy – an egg – brought significant relief to my mother, restoring her mobility and allowing her to live a more comfortable life.

The background:

My mother suffered from knee pain and joint problems for a long time due to various health issues. Simply walking became a painful challenge that significantly affected her quality of life. In the search for alternative solutions, we finally discovered an amazing remedy that ultimately made all the difference.

The egg as a remedy:

The idea of ​​using an egg to relieve joint pain may seem unusual, but many people have found comfort in this approach. Here’s how it works:


  • 1 egg (including shell)


  1. Preparing the ice cream:
    • Take an egg, including the shell.
  2. The egg under the armpit:
    • Wrap the egg in a thin cloth and place it under the armpit, with the shell directly on the skin.
  3. Fixation overnight:
    • Fix the egg with a bandage or a piece of cloth.
  4. Repeat if necessary:
    • Leave the egg in place overnight. Repeat if necessary.

Why does this work?

  • Some claim that minerals from the eggshell, such as calcium and magnesium, can be absorbed through the skin and may help relieve joint pain.
  • The egg also acts as a thermal conductor, promoting a slight increase in local body temperature, which can help relieve discomfort.

The results:

After using this method for a few nights, my mother began to feel noticeable relief. The knee pain and joint problems subsided, and over time she regained her mobility. This simple remedy using an egg brought a significant change in her daily life.

Important instructions:

  • Always consult a healthcare provider before trying alternative remedies.
  • This method may not work the same for everyone, as everyone responds differently.


Sometimes the simplest solutions can bring surprising relief. Although this method may seem unusual, my mother’s experience shows that sometimes a simple egg can make all the difference. Before exploring alternative methods, remember to consult a healthcare provider and find out what might work for you.