
With a trick with fabric softener and vinegar you can polish even the dullest floor

By Lesia

Almost all house cleaning tasks are time-consuming and tedious, but if there’s one that beats them all, it’s definitely floor cleaning. It collects all kinds of stains and dirt and over time it can sometimes lose its shine and oxidize.

When cleaning the floor the first thing that comes to mind is undoubtedly a degreasing and scented detergent product. However, not all products available on the market are truly effective and certainly none of them are good for the environment or our wallet.

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Applying makeup is incredibly simple: add a capful of fabric softener and 150ml of white vinegar to a bucket full of warm water. Mix until the ingredients are combined and wash the floor as usual.

You’ll notice that not only does your home have a shinier, cleaner floor, but it also gives off a wonderful scent that lasts for days.