
Burn Rosemary in your house and 10 minutes later you will thank me for the results

By Lilia

Burn rosemary in your house and 10 minutes later you will thank me for the beneficial results it will have both on the environment of your home , on the energies and also on yourself. Here we tell you!Burn rosemary in your home and 10 minutes later you will appreciate it due to the numerous benefits you will have. In this article we will tell you about it!

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Burning rosemary is an ancient tradition where it is practiced to achieve aromatization of the home and also for the benefits of spiritual, mental and physical aspects.

By lighting rosemary you can cleanse negative energy and improve concentration where you can bring a new dimension and serenity to your daily life.

Here we leave you a list with its benefits

  • Improves memory: Rosemary is historically used to enhance memory and concentration due to its essential oils released when burning the leaves stimulate memory and also brain health.
  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue: Its medicinal properties are ideal for improving blood circulation in your body as it helps to oxygenate the brain, providing great additional energy and reducing fatigue.
  • Aromatizes the home: Its unique and pleasant aroma beautifies your home, generating a delicious fragrance that will permeate every corner of the environment.
  • Natural insect repellent: Rosemary also works as a repellent for flies, cockroaches, ants and other insects, this way you can scare them away from the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Attracts good luck: In Feg Shui it is considered a plant of good luck and prosperity and burning rosemary is associated with attracting fortune and eliminating negative energies.

We recommend that you place the dried rosemary leaves on a plate and burn it slowly to enjoy its benefits since this practice not only improves your well-being but also adds a special touch to your home.


  • Use dried rosemary leaves for burning as they will release their essential oils more easily. If you collect fresh rosemary you have to make sure to dry the leaves completely before burning them.
  • Burn the leaves in a well-ventilated environment to avoid the accumulation of smoke and if you experience eye or nasal irritation you should reduce the amount of leaves used.
  • Combine rosemary with other herbs such as lavender or sage to create personalized aromatic blends since you can