
You can start with a single clove of garlic to have an infinite supply of it at home – everything you need to do to grow fast at home

By Lilia

Garlic is one of the simplest and most economical plants to grow in pots at home. It is also a kitchen staple as it has countless health benefits and is often used as a natural remedy and the great thing about this plant is that you can start with a single clove of garlic to have an endless supply of it at home.If you want to grow garlic at home, we will tell you what you have to do with a single clove of garlic to have an infinite supply of it at home.

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A single clove of garlic to have an infinite supply of it at home

As is well known, garlic has many healing properties since it is rich in nitrogenous substances, sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphoric acid, vitamins C, D and B, phytosterols and essential oils.

It also contains allicin that is formed during the mechanical destruction of plants, this means that by crushing garlic the maximum benefits of its properties are obtained.

Several studies have also been carried out where it has been shown that allicin has a strong bacteriostatic effect that treats infections more quickly.

If you plan to grow garlic in a jar at home you only need:

  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 container
  • Potting soil


  1. We take the container and fill it with potting soil. Then we separate the garlic cloves and place them in the soil in a vertical position at a depth of about 3 centimeters.
  2. We place the container in a part of the house exposed to the sun and water when the soil dries out as we do with any other plant.
  3. Once we reach 7-10 centimeters in height we cut the plant and leave about 2-3 centimeters for it to grow again.
  4. After a while the plants will dry out and turn brown and that is where you have to remove it from the soil.
  5. Each segment will have formed a light bulb with several segments, we take one of these and repeat the operation.


  • Choose a pot large enough to allow the heads of garlic to grow comfortably. A depth of at least 20 centimeters is recommended for the roots.
  • The garlic will be ready to harvest when the leaves begin to wilt and turn brown. This usually occurs about 8-10 months after planting. Dig up the bulbs carefully and let them air dry for a few days before storing them in a cool, dry place.