
Silver water for bacterial infections, digestive problems

By Lilia

Silver water is a solution of colloidal silver in plain water, obtained by a special process called electrolysis, in which silver ions are suspended in distilled water. 

Because the silver ions have an electrical charge, they remain distributed in the solution without sinking to the bottom. 

Therefore, quality silver water does not require shaking before use and should not be dark in color. 

It is usually clear or pale yellow, with the size of the particles influencing the color of the solution. 

Larger particles give a darker color and are more difficult for the body to absorb. 

The safest and most biologically active silver solutions contain the smallest particles and the purest water.

Application and method of use of silver water

There is evidence that solutions of silver ions were used to disinfect the drinking water of the International Space Station and the Russian “Mir”. 

Colloidal silver is reported to be an effective means of disinfecting drinking water in Third World countries.

A South Korean study published in 2008 found that silver ions were effective in killing bacteria and fungi of the Candida albicans species (Candida albicans) in laboratory conditions.

Also of interest is the fact that pathogenic microorganisms are unable to become resistant to the action of silver ions, which is the reason for undertaking numerous studies on the application of silver water against various diseases:


Colloidal silver can be beneficial for diseases with viral causes such as herpes , warts , colds , flu and pneumonia . 

It has also been touted as a means of combating HIV/AIDS. 

And although these claims have not been recognized by the medical community, there has undoubtedly been some increased survival in some AIDS patients taking colloidal silver. 

It is believed that the same mechanism that disrupts the reproduction of pathogens can also be used against the uncontrolled division of cancer cells.

Cold and flu. Some researchers claim that colloidal silver helps prevent all types of flu viruses, including the common cold.

Bronchitis and pneumonia. 

Modern treatments for pneumonia usually involve the use of antibiotics, but these are not always effective. 

Even more so in cases of viral bronchitis or pneumonia (viruses are not affected by antibiotic treatment). 

Colloidal silver can help fight bronchitis and pneumonia when taken orally or better yet, inhaled. 

The most effective way to do this is through an inhaler. 

One teaspoon can be used for this purpose, three times a day, for 10 minutes.

Skin infections

Colloidal silver stimulates the healing of skin and other soft tissues. 

People who have suffered severe burns can use silver water to promote cell growth and ward off infection. 

It is also useful as a prevention of acne of bacterial origin. 

In this regard, it is also used for wounds, periodontitis , thrush, tinea capitis, psoriasis and eczema .

This is most often done by applying a small amount directly to the affected area. 

Some people report effective results by moistening a gauze or bandage with silver water and applying it to the area. 

It is important to keep the dressing moist because when it dries out, it reduces the effectiveness of the colloidal silver.

Digestive disorders

Colloidal silver also benefits the digestive system – it improves the absorption of nutrients and also prevents the growth and reproduction of parasites in the intestinal canal. 

When taken with food, colloidal silver stops fermentation processes and their consequences – gas, swollen abdomen , pain, indigestion .

Inflammation of the eyes and ears

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the inside of the eyelids. 

It is most often caused by bacteria or viruses. 

People suffering from conjunctivitis directly drip a few drops of silver water into the eyes. 

In a similar way, it can be used for ear inflammation .

Sore throat

For sore throats , silver water can be used for gargling. To do this, add a few drops (3-4) of silver water to a glass of water.

Runny nose and sinusitis

As a remedy for sinus infections, silver water can be used as a nasal spray.

A few drops of silver water can be added to a neti pot or by instilling directly into the nasal cavity. 

Colloidal silver has activity against Pseudomonas Aeroginosa infections, which is a common cause of upper respiratory tract inflammation.

An effective cold remedy can be prepared using silver water and gum tincture. In 15-20 ml of silver water, drip 2 to 4 drops of glue tincture (for small children, a lower concentration). 

From the resulting solution, 2 drops can be dripped into each nostril, 3-4 times a day. 

Do not apply if you are allergic to honey or other types of bee products! You can read more information about this method in the topic:

Despite the positive effects of silver water (colloidal silver), it is still neglected by the medical community at large. 

From a scientific point of view, the human body does not need silver, and when administered in large amounts and/or over a long period of time, silver ions can accumulate in the internal organs, causing a condition called argyria. 

In argyria, permanent graying of the skin and sclera occurs, as a result of an excessive accumulation of silver. 

In general, the disease is not associated with other serious changes in the body, but there is still no way to “cure” and return the skin to normal color.

It is said that silver cannot interact in any way with other drugs and herbs. 

There is no evidence of adverse effects from the use of silver water by children.

Despite the lack of specific data on adverse side effects and reactions with moderate use of silver water, anyone who has an allergy or intolerance to silver should not use silver water and other similar products!

Dosage of silver water

In general, the dosage of silver water depends on the specific condition, disease and concentration of the product used.

A standard dose of colloidal silver that can be taken for prophylactic purposes and to support health should not exceed 1 tablespoon or 50 to 200 micrograms per day. 

The therapeutic dose for various diseases is about 30 ml in 24 hours, and should not be taken for more than 7 to 10 days.

Solutions for oral administration must necessarily be of a much lower concentration than those for application to the skin. 

When taken orally, the colloidal silver solution is absorbed directly from the oral cavity into the bloodstream. 

In this case, a therapeutic effect can occur in about 3-4 days. 

The danger of excessive accumulation and occurrence of argyria exists with a total intake of 1 to 5 grams of colloidal silver per year, which is equivalent to tens of liters of silver water. 

Increased attention should be paid when using a silver water device at home!

If you want colloidal silver to reach the lower part of the digestive tract, mix one teaspoon of silver water with 400 ml of distilled water and drink it for 5 days. 

It is recommended to divide the daily dose into several smaller doses, 3-4 times a day, as this is how it gradually accumulates in the body. 

In acute conditions, the frequency of intake on the first day of therapy is allowed to increase every 15 minutes to one hour, depending on the condition, and in the following days to be taken in a maintenance dose at greater intervals.

After the symptoms subside, the intake of silver water should be stopped! In cases of chronic diseases, intake up to 3-4 weeks or more is allowed.

Colloidal silver is eliminated from the body through the kidneys, intestines and lymphatic system, which takes several weeks. 

An important addition is that while using silver water, one should drink a few extra glasses of water per day to speed up the removal of toxins.

However, if the organism is too sick, do not try to clear it too quickly by taking a large amount or too concentrated a solution.

The rapid destruction of pathogens overloads the excretory system and the organs responsible for detoxifying the body, which can lead to a condition known as a “healing crisis”. 

It is characterized by a feeling of malaise, headache , dizziness, muscle pain and others. 

If you experience similar symptoms, reduce the intake of silver water and increase the amount of pure water.

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