
The wonders of the monstera: a treasure for health and prosperity

By Lesia

The monstera plant, also known as the money tree, is a familiar sight to many of us. Its leaves resemble round coins and give it its unique name. However, its true meaning is often hidden, as many people are unaware of its diverse health properties.

The healing power of thick leaves

Despite its health benefits, caution is advised as the leaves of the monstera also contain arsenic. The dosage when used internally is therefore crucial.

  1. Treatment of herpes and throat infections:  Applying monstera juice to affected areas relieves herpes symptoms. Gargling with a diluted juice-water mixture also helps with throat infections.
  2. Joint pain and hemorrhoids:  The juice of the leaves can be rubbed in cases of osteoarthritis or applied to hemorrhoids to relieve discomfort.
  3. Cure skin problems:  Fenugreek effectively treats burns, stretch marks, wounds and abscesses. Apply a paste made from the leaves on the affected areas and change it regularly.
  4. Relief from insect bites:  The juice helps reduce itching and inflammation after mosquito, bee and wasp stings.
  5. Kidney inflammation:  An extract from the leaves can help with inflammatory kidney diseases.

Legend has it that the flowering of the monstera heralds prosperity and financial improvements, so take care of this plant carefully and share its healing properties with your loved ones.


The Swiss cheese plant reproduces easily, often spontaneously in flowerpots where leaves fall and new plants emerge. Leaves can either be planted directly in the ground or propagated by cuttings, which must first be allowed to dry before being placed in the soil.

Additional bonus: Feng Shui and the Swiss cheese leaf

According to Feng Shui practice, the monstera can bring prosperity and positive energy into the home. It is recommended to place the plant on the right side of the entrance in the northern part of the house. Its oils are said to promote optimism and increase well-being.

The Swiss cheese plant is not only a beautiful houseplant, but also a versatile helper for health and prosperity.