
A trainer recommended a plan for stomach and hip problems that women have

By Lilia

When you reach the age of 40, the body begins to change significantly. 

For some women, menopause begins shortly after age 40.

Bone thinning often occurs with menopause.

Metabolism and digestion change, you gradually start to lose collagen and you see the first signs of loss of skin density. 

Wrinkles are more obvious, the nasolabial fold deepens and features begin to fade.

You start to fight with all means, but only creams are not enough.

You need to eat right and follow a diet!

What you eat can significantly damage collagen, slow digestion, cause weight gain, joint, bone , heart and other health problems.

Also, your heart and blood vessels suddenly need completely different nutrients than when you were in your 20s.

The vessels must be cleaned of fatty deposits in order to maintain optimal blood circulation in the body.

For all this, simple exercises , movements and the right foods will help you.

Plan for women over 40

The 5 best exercises that strengthen problem areas

The longtime trainer has put together a set of 5 exercises that can strain the entire body and, in addition, shape the critical areas of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

In addition to shaping your figure, during training you will also strengthen your spine, and in addition to effective exercises, you will improve your health and posture .

Do the exercises in the order listed.

Breathe slowly and deeply throughout the routine. Inhale to gather energy and exhale as you perform the movement.

Focus on the muscles doing the work. Avoid using momentum to move through the exercises.

Repeat the entire circuit up to three times, depending on your fitness level. Beginners, start with one chain the first time you do this routine.

Exercise 1

Target muscles: glutes, abs

Preparation:   Start on all fours, with hands just below shoulders and knees close together.

Action: As you inhale, lift your chest and extend your right leg behind you, reaching your foot up toward the ceiling [A]; 

as you exhale, round your spine and pull your right knee toward your chest, trying to touch your knee to your forehead [B]. 

Continue moving smoothly with your breath. Complete 12 to 15 repetitions before switching sides.

Exercise 2

Target muscles: glutes, hamstrings, abs

Setup: Stand on your left leg and bend your right knee, bringing it as high as your thigh. Extend your arms overhead [A].

Action: Extend your right leg behind you and bend your torso forward until it’s parallel to the floor, keeping your hands by your hips [B]. 

Return to starting position and repeat for eight to 10 repetitions, then switch sides.

Exercise 3

Target muscles: glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, shoulders

Setup:  From a standing position, step your right foot forward and lower it into a deep lunge, with the right knee just above the ankle. Keep your back heel up.

Action: As you inhale, raise your arms overhead [A].  As you exhale, straighten your knees and extend your arms down [B]. 

Continue like this for 12 reps, then switch sides.

Exercise 4

Target muscles: glutes, hamstrings

Preparation: From a position on all fours, lift your knees and assume a downward dog position. Your hips should be pointing toward the ceiling [A].

Action: Raise right leg as high as possible, using glutes to lift [B ]; lower slowly with control. Repeat for 12 to 15 reps before switching sides.

Exercise 5

Target muscles: glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, abs

Setup: Stand on your right foot and bend your left knee as shown [A].

Action: Roll to the right side and bend the knee deeply; try to touch the floor outside the right foot with your left hand [B]. 

Return to standing position and repeat for eight to 10 repetitions. When finished, switch sides.

Exercise 6

Target muscles: glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps

Setup: Lie on your back with your right knee bent, foot on the floor, and left ankle resting on your right thigh.

Action: Lift your hips off the floor as high as possible. Slowly lower, then repeat for 10 to 12 reps before switching sides.

Foods that should not be missing from the menu after 40!

Adults should pay special attention to the tested recipes in this article!