
How to eat chia seeds correctly | useful tips

By Lilia

Some people have nothing to eat, others sit non-stop at home and stuff themselves, others eat only vegetables and drink water, others make an appointment with a nutritionist, etc.

There are different people with all kinds of ideas for losing weight. 

But there is a fifth. And they use chia seeds not for the first time and not for the first year. 

The result is always amazing: metabolism improves, excess weight disappears. Maybe you want to try it too?

Athletes and fitness trainers were the first to learn about them. 

By adding seeds to drinks, they were charged with so much energy that another active workout seemed like child’s play. 

But then they noticed that chia also helped with weight loss, even though the amount of exercise did not increase. 

And then everyone started talking about Chia.

How chia helps you lose weight

Central America is the birthplace of chia. An uninformed person would not even recognize this superfood if they saw it before processing.

In fact, it is an annual plant whose healing properties were admired by the Mayans. 

Grass seeds give energy and strength and cure a number of ailments. 

But why is everything in the past tense? Chia is still effective. Especially in the process of losing weight.

1. The seed swells 12 times. Thus, the product guarantees quick satiety and allows you to forget about hunger for a long time. 

Regular eating helps to eliminate excess fat .

2. The liquid in which we add the seeds turns into a gel. 

In this way, it does not irritate the stomach lining and interferes with the absorption of carbohydrates. 

Even if the seeds are few, the effect is always visible.

3. In the long term, excess fluid, salt, impurities, bad cholesterol and carcinogens are removed from the body. 

Blood circulation is accelerated, as a result of which absolutely all the body’s resources are activated and weight loss becomes easier.

4. Chia is known for its anti-inflammatory effect. 

This is what helps fight even cellulite on the thighs. 

Such weight loss is absolutely safe due to the simultaneous saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals that are part of the seeds.

5. This product is an energy source. In the countries of Central America, they believe that a person can be energetic for 24 hours, and that with an intake of only 1 teaspoon. 

And all this thanks to the high content of chlorogenic acid.

A small amount of seeds can be added to a wide variety of ready meals. 

Then the portions you will take for breakfast and lunch will be drastically reduced in volume. 

But don’t take the seeds before bed: you won’t be able to relax because of a full stomach.

Choose correctly

When buying a product, look at the date of manufacture. The shelf life of the seeds is 1 year. 

As for the country of manufacture, it is not recommended to choose Chinese products due to high pollution. 

Good seeds have all the necessary certificates of quality and organic control.

Minus 9 kg in one month

The number just seems unreal. In fact, you can achieve much better results, and 9 kg is the minimum threshold. 

Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body. So how do you make a drink that will speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight?


2 tbsp. Chia seeds

2 tbsp. liquid honey

1 lemon

300 ml. glass of water

How to prepare:

Soak the chia seeds in water for an hour. 

Add another half cup of water to the seeds, along with the honey and the juice of one lemon.

Mix the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Use 2-3 teaspoons every morning on an empty stomach.

Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.

How it works? Metabolism accelerates after a few days. The first changes in weight appear after a week.

Consume this combination for 4 weeks – and you will lose a lot of weight without physical effort and sports.

Even if you don’t exercise, chia seeds will still work. 

It is worth noting that after losing weight and achieving the desired results, many people continue to add chia to various products simply because it is useful.