
Pots of water, fill them with lemon – you save a lot of money

By Lesia

Save a significant amount of money with a simple method: Place lemons in a pot of water. Here is a step by step guide on how to do it.

Lemons, renowned for their color and characteristic scent, adorn our tables in every season: summer, winter, spring or autumn. Not only do they add flavor to sweet and savory dishes, but they also add a unique flavor to our meals.

Although the exact origin of lemons remains unclear, some experts believe they originated in China during the Song Dynasty (between 960 and 1279 AD). Others say lemons are native to Assam and northern Burma. It was only around 700 AD that lemons spread to Egypt, Iraq and Persia, taking on the name līmū, which generally referred to all fruits in the citrus category. The name “lemon” appeared in the Italian language.

Lemon cultivation began to be cultivated in Europe in the mid-15th century, with the first cultivations in Liguria, in Genoa. Christopher Columbus played a role in spreading lemons to Hispaniola by planting some seeds.

Lemon: this is why it should be stored in a saucepan full of water

Italy has several lemon specialties, with the Amalfi Coast, Positano, Amalfi and Sorrento particularly known for their lemon cultivation. In these regions, lemons are celebrated for their scent and lemon-themed decorations are common.

Lemon juice is not only a culinary resource but is also useful in household chores and as a digestive aid. Despite their versatility, lemons can rot easily if left unused for a long period of time.

To prolong the freshness of lemons for up to a month, a simple method requires only an airtight glass jar and water. Start by washing the lemons under running water, then place them in the pan, letting the water run almost to the edge.

Once the lemons are in the jar, store it in a cool, dry place away from heat sources, such as a cupboard. This simple method ensures that lemons stay fresh for weeks, avoiding waste and eliminating the need to buy new ones. This way you will not only save money, but you will also help reduce unnecessary waste.