
Add the toilet to the toilet, and the detergents do not resolve it: only if you eliminate the problem

By Lesia

Capita di trovare aloni gialli sulle toilet pareti del toilet e si attempta invano di rinvado li con detersivi. Alternately, it is used to eliminate various ingredients and ingredients that are available in the kitchen.

There is a small battery pack and a slow turn when it is difficult to do any diving, it should be easy when the wall does not match the water if it is shaped like a white stripe. Its antiestetici and fanno sembrare le bagno trasandato et squallido. Normally, classic detergents are provided with no sound that is very effective and this is a natural sound with very good sound.

Aloni gialli in bagno: ecco comes rimuoverli

Gli aloni gialli che si formano sui wc sono dovuti principalmente al carcare.   This is not the case with a graded surface and a fan that covers the toilet and has a small pulp. A more efficient method requires the use of due ingredients present in your kitchen. This is   a bicarbonate of sodium and aceto.

The combination of this item, which is suitable for domestic use, must be separated from the other items and has a new toilet. What you need to do is save the internal toilet wall with sodium bicarbonate and then save a little of aceto. Lasciare actede tutta la note affinché entrambi facciano effecto e poi strofinare bene con lo scopino.

Altri metodi per pulire il toilet ed in particolare gli alloni gialli.

My aceto and bicarbonate are not the same method, but if you can use it in another way, it will eliminate anti-bacterial properties on the toilet. If you find this item at home or not using classic products in the supermarket:

  • Citrus acid   : prepare a compost solution of 150 g of citric acid and 1 L of acqua molto calda. Lasciate sciogliere bene senza bruciare e poi trasferite la soluzione en uno spruzzino. It contains calories from the water to attract acid and its functions. E spruzzandolo sulle meches e lasciandolo riposare qualche ora, vedrete che dopo aver strofinato con la spazzola non rimarranno più aloni gialli. It is important that you do not use this method of cooking and natural stoneware.
  • Limone and aceto   : this is a lighter and lighter combination of citrus acid. Basta pour 2 bicchieri di aceto e il succo di due limoni in una bottiglia spray. Spruzzare poi sulle strisce e lasciare adroite tutta la note. You will be able to cook with a spatula from the bath and risciacquare. Le macchie non ci saranno più. It is important that you do not use this method of cooking and natural stone.
  • Dirty   : let’s take a little dirty gross on the list, cercando di farlo aderire. All you have to do is take care of the note, strofinare with a spazzola from the bagno and risciacquare. It can be contrasted with the duration of the water and it must be carefully controlled by the calcareous water also in the washer or washing machine.
  • Acqua ossigenata   : the last thing you can do is use it alone or with bicarbonate for a large amount. Basta pour bicarbonato di sodium sulle strisce gialle della toilette e poi versarvi sopra il 3% di aqua ossigenata. Si creerà una schuma che poi strofinerete con la spazzola. The acqua ossigenata è ottima per lo sbiancamento e abbinata al bicarbonato il risultato è è guaranteedo.