
Folk remedies against numbness and tingling in the legs

By Lilia

Do you feel like ants are walking on your feet? 

If you suffer from this problem, you know how much it can make your life difficult.

Here’s what to do when restless legs keep you awake!

Imagine that after a tiring day, you look forward to going to bed for a fruitful rest. 

However, as soon as you go to bed, you start to feel this unpleasant sensation on your legs. 

Despite the fatigue, you feel an uncontrollable anxiety in them, which constantly makes you move them and change position. 

Feet hurt, burn, tickle, sting or itch for no apparent reason. 

You cannot fall asleep for long minutes or even hours, and the intrusive sensation of leg movement, accompanied by unpleasant impulses, continues. 

This is exactly how a person suffering from restless legs syndrome feels. 

This is often his daily reality.

Restless legs syndrome, also known as “nervous legs”, affects many people in our country and is more common than diabetes. 

The cause of this disease is a sensory and motor disorder of the nervous system. 

It affects women more often than men and is most pronounced before falling asleep. 

Although it seems nothing special to many, people who suffer from it know how unpleasant it can make their lives. 

In some cases, severe sleep disturbances may even break out.

Tips on how to deal with restless legs syndrome:

Supplement the substances that the body lacks

Restless legs syndrome can be caused by a lack of certain vitamins and substances. 

Unpleasant symptoms can be associated with a lack of magnesium, iron and vitamin B. 

It is therefore recommended to supplement the substances with a suitable diet or nutritional supplements (products containing magnesium and vitamin B6 are often recommended).

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been proven to be very beneficial for people suffering from this problem. 

All you have to do is prepare a massage emulsion of water and apple cider vinegar and massage your feet with it before going to bed. 

It is also recommended to drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 glass of water before going to bed.

Bath with salt and herbs

Salt, especially sea or English salt , can relax muscles, relieve tension and unpleasant impulses in the lower limbs. 

Before going to bed, prepare a relaxing bath in water in which you have dissolved sea or Epsom salt. 

An herbal bath works just as well – try a chamomile, peppermint or honey bath.

Oils and ointments containing camphor

Camphor is known as an effective fighter against muscle and joint pain. 

It also eliminates the unpleasant itching and burning characteristic of restless legs syndrome. 

At the same time, it pleasantly cools the skin. 

Use products containing camphor to massage your feet before bed.

Hot and cold

Spasms, anxiety, tension and burning will also help eliminate alternating baths. 

Prepare two bowls – one with warm and one with cold water. 

Place your feet alternately in warm and cold water for 5 minutes.

Sports and a varied diet

We mentioned earlier that restless legs syndrome is often associated with a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. 

It is best to supplement them with a varied and balanced diet. 

This problem is also often associated with sedentary work. so don’t forget to move and practice simple exercises even while sitting at work. 

However, the best solution is simple walking.

Do you also suffer from restless legs syndrome and use other methods to relieve the unpleasant symptoms?

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