
Doctor’s advice for the ladies: 5 top exercises for the pelvic floor

By Lilia

Today we are going to share with you useful medical advice provided by medical experts aimed at keeping the pelvic floor in optimal condition. 

Life after 30 can be extremely fulfilling, and with the right exercises, you can strengthen your pelvic floor and improve your quality of life. 

In this material, we will look at five of the most effective exercises  that you can practice at home  recommended by doctors that focus on the pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened in several ways.

These exercises help maintain the elasticity of the bladder muscles and reduce the risk of leaking urine during incontinence.

1. Exercise

Lie on your back and place your arms next to your body.

Bend your legs and lift them off the ground so that your knees form a right angle.

Alternately spread one leg and then the other.

Return to starting position and always switch legs.

Repeat for 45 seconds.

Now rest for 10 seconds and move on to the next exercise.

2. Exercise

Remain lying on your back, this time bring your legs together and push your hips out.

Press your elbows into the ground and lift your pelvis as high off the ground as possible. 

Repeat for 45 seconds. 

Rest for 10 seconds.

3. Exercise

Also perform this exercise in a lying position.

Bend your legs at the knees, and the torso and head are on the ground, arms by the body.

Raise the pelvis as high as possible, hold and pull the hands back behind the head.

Then bring them back to the ground next to the body and lower the pelvis. 

Repeat for 45 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.

4. Exercise

Remain in a lying position as in the previous exercise, but extend your legs.

Place your feet on the ground and start taking small steps closer to your torso. 

Then alternately extend one leg, then the other, over the mat.

Then return to the starting position.

Repeat for 45 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.

5. Exercise

Now stand on all fours.

At a pace, repeat the cat’s back – first contract the abdomen and pull the chin to the chest, then arch the lower back and pull the head back slightly.

Repeat for 45 seconds.


In conclusion, the health and well-being of the pelvic floor is fundamental to every woman’s quality of life. 

After 30 years, medical advice and suggested exercises are a valuable resource for maintaining a healthy pelvic floor and preventing various problems. 

Practicing the recommended exercises not only strengthens the muscles, but also improves the general state of health. Let every lady invest time in herself and in her health.

Follow these recommendations from YouTube channel Body Now to work out.

You can watch the entire exercise in the attached video.

Much health!