
Humidity at home? The clever grandma’s trick to solve this problem once and for all

By Lilia

Moisture in your own four walls can become a real burden. Not only can it make the indoor climate unpleasant, but it can also encourage the formation of mold and cause health problems. If you are struggling with this annoying problem, there is a clever trick that has been passed down for generations and can help you get rid of moisture in your home for good. In this article, you will learn how to use the wisdom of the wise grandma to solve the moisture problem.

Why is moisture in the house a problem?

Indoor humidity can come from a variety of sources, such as cooking, showering, leaky pipes, or condensation. If left unchecked, it can lead to mold growth, aggravate allergies, and affect quality of life. High humidity can also cause damage to furniture and structures.

The clever grandma’s trick:

The trick that many people learned from their grandparents to reduce humidity is to place bowls of salt in the affected rooms. This simple but effective trick draws the moisture out of the air and helps to improve the indoor climate.

Here’s how to use the trick:

  1. Gather materials: You will need bowls or shallow containers, preferably made of glass or ceramic, and coarse sea salt or table salt.
  2. Fill the bowls with salt: Fill the bowls about halfway with salt.
  3. Place the bowls: Place the filled bowls in the rooms where you have moisture problems. These can be bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms or basements.
  4. Replace the salt: The salt attracts moisture and becomes lumpy after a while. Replace it every few weeks or when you notice that the trays are no longer effective.

Why does this trick work?

Salt is a natural dehumidifier. It absorbs the moisture in the air by binding to the water molecules. In this way, the humidity in the rooms is reduced, which helps to combat humidity and its negative effects.

Further measures for moisture control:

Although the salt trick is a simple and effective method, there are other measures you can take to control moisture in your home:

  1. Good ventilation: Ventilate your rooms regularly to exchange moist air and let in dry air.
  2. Using dehumidifiers: Dehumidifiers can help reduce humidity in particularly humid rooms.
  3. Leak Repair: Check your home for leaks and fix them to minimize moisture problems.
  4. Use of sealants: Seal doors and windows to prevent moist air from entering from outside.


The clever grandma’s trick of placing bowls of salt in rooms where there are moisture problems is a proven method to improve the indoor climate. With this simple measure, you can effectively reduce the moisture in your home and thus prevent the formation of mold. Combine this trick with other moisture control measures to create a healthy and comfortable indoor climate.