
Why should you attach a toothpick to your knife?

By Lilia

Has it ever happened to you that when cutting juicy fruits or vegetables, the pieces stubbornly stick to the knife, making the process difficult?

It’s a common situation that can get frustrating, but we have the perfect solution for you!

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A simple but effective trick

Imagine this scene: you’re making a delicious fruit salad or chopping tomatoes for a fresh salsa, and the pieces get stuck to the knife, disrupting your workflow and making the process more complicated than necessary.

It’s an annoying situation, right? But don’t worry, because we have a clever trick that will change your cooking experience forever.

The solution is simple: place a toothpick on the side of your knife and secure it with tape. This simple trick prevents the pieces from sticking to the knife, allowing you to cut more fluidly and efficiently.

You will no longer have to struggle to separate sticky bits, making your kitchen tasks much simpler and faster.

This clever trick is especially useful when working with juicy fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, mangoes, and more.

Plus, it’s a quick and inexpensive solution that anyone can implement in their kitchen.

And that’s not all. Did you know that you can also easily sharpen your knives with just a cup? Turn the cup over and use the bottom to sharpen the edge of the knife.

With a few simple movements, your knife will be sharp and ready to cut with precision.

With these practical tricks, you will improve your kitchen experience and make cutting and preparing food much easier and more fun.

We leave you Alexis Tejada ‘s video that explains how to do these two tricks:

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