
Why you should have this herb in the garden

By Lilia

In many places, plants tend to grow that we constantly ignore, but which tend to be very beneficial to our health.

One of them is purslane, which usually grows in the ground, but it is a medicinal plant, also known as “cat’s tongue” and “day flower”.

Purslane usually grows in spring and summer and is characterized by succulent, fleshy leaves in which high concentrations of fiber are found. We will let you know more benefits and how you can cook it to get its benefits.


250 g purslane

250 ml of apple cider vinegar

3 cloves of garlic

Peppercorns, to taste

Salt to taste


Wash the purslane very well with plenty of water and baking soda to remove all kinds of dirt.

Remember that you can use both the stems and the leaves since everything is edible.

Cut the purslane into small pieces of about 2 cm and place it in a glass jar.

Peel and chop the garlic and add it to the pot with the pepper and salt. Finally, add the vinegar until all the ingredients are covered.

Take this into consideration as all produce needs to be soaked in vinegar. Finally, close tightly.

Store the jar in the refrigerator for 15 days, then the pickled purslane is ready to eat.


Pregnant women should refrain from consuming purslane as it can cause contractions.

Also, knowing that any product consumed in excess can be harmful, we advise you to use this herb in a measured manner and to drink plenty of water when consuming it.

Benefits of consuming purslane

It contains linoleic acid, oleic acid, alpha linoleic acid and is rich in omega 3.

It contains vitamins such as vitamin C, beta-carotenes, folate and all B complex.

It also contains high concentrations of minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium and zinc.

It contains antioxidants like dopamine and a recently discovered new alkaloid called oleracone.

It contains organic acids, flavonoids, phytoestrogens and various alkaloids.

Even the Chinese, for hundreds of years, have incorporated purslane into their diet and commonly call it a “long-living vegetable.”

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