
An old Chinese method for relieving shoulder pain: ditch the pills and try it

By Lilia

Today we present to you a Chinese method from a YouTube video that you can watch at the end of the article with valuable advice from Master Mu Yuchun.

He advises how you can relieve shoulder pain using simple treatment techniques. 

Many people have shoulder problems.

Because of the pain, they can’t even lift their arm or move it to the side.

This happens because the cartilage is compressed or hardened.

Such problems prevent the shoulder from functioning normally.

Your arm feels weak and heavy.

Master Mu Yuchun shows a very simple way to reduce or completely eliminate shoulder pain. 

If you suffer from pain and don’t want to reach for painkillers, you should definitely give it a try!

To relieve shoulder pain, ask a loved one or friend to give you this massage.

First of all, it is necessary to feel the right point of the hand.

It should be pressed and massaged.

It only takes about 20-30 seconds.

Important nerve endings pass through this point.

Then you have to swing your arm up and down to the side.

If it is not possible to raise your hand, then you should simultaneously press the point and massage it while raising your hand with the help of a loved one.

Then we swing our arms in different directions.

Now you need to press the indicated point simultaneously while raising your hand. 

The hand should be raised as high as possible.

With this massage, you will support the blood flow in the arm.

It’s hard to believe, but with regular massage, you can completely get rid of pain.  

We wish you good health!